Renowned for his creation of the iconic Hellboy, Mike Mignola ventures into new fictional realms with the introduction of the Bowling With Corpses and Other Strange Tales From Lands Unknown anthology, marking the inception of his latest Dark Horse imprint, Curious Objects. This collaborative effort with his longtime publisher, Dark Horse Comics, heralds the birth of a new universe, teeming with gods, monsters, and untold wonders.
Drawing inspiration from folklore and weaving it into a story of macabre fantasy, Mignola crafts a world not dissimilar to our own, albeit imbued with a myriad of mythical beings. The anthology’s tales, including encounters with undead, infernal pacts, and mystical voyages, serve as the foundation for a shared universe meticulously co created with fellow artist Ben Stenbeck.
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“It all started with an Italian folktale about a boy who goes bowling with corpses,” Mike Mignola recalled. “I fell in love with the story as soon as I discovered it, but I wanted to play fast and loose when adapting it, so I created a whole new world. Not too different than our world a few centuries ago, but with a lot more gods and monsters. Once I created that world, new characters and stories just started pouring out of it.”
Reflecting on the genesis of his latest endeavour, Mignola’s enthusiasm is palpable. “There is a whole lot to play with here and I expect to be at it for a very long time,” he remarked.
Stenbeck’s involvement adds depth to the burgeoning universe, with plans to contribute his own tales set within the enigmatic Lands Unknown. Despite the daunting task of keeping pace with Mignola’s boundless creativity, Stenbeck embraces the challenge, eager to explore distant corners of this fantastical realm.
“So often my reaction to these emails is, ‘That’s great, Mike! But I still have two books to draw before I can even move on to this work!’ And then I find myself taking three days off to write a new story,” Stenbeck explained. “Luckily, Mike likes my stories. My first project is set far off in a distant corner of this world. That way, I can’t bump into anything Mike is doing and make a mess.” Further details of Stenbeck’s own stories remain under wraps, though he confirmed, “Spoiler… it will have monsters in it.”
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“New folklore-inspired tales abound in this new anthology of fantasy stories written and drawn Hellboy creator Mike Mignola,” the official synopsis teases. “From a search for the beating heart of a long-dead sorcerer, to a pirate girl who makes a deal with the devil, to the titular boy who wins a grim prize in a game with some undead interlopers, and more. Mike Mignola builds a brand-new world filled with the weird, wicked and whimsical in this volume that will delight longtime Hellboy fans and new readers alike.”
The anthology, slated for release on November 5, 2024, boasts Mike Mignola’s signature artwork, enhanced by the masterful colouring of Dave Stewart and expert lettering by Clem Robins. As anticipation mounts, readers can anticipate a journey into the weird, wicked, and whimsical, a testament to Mignola’s enduring legacy and penchant for storytelling.
As Mignola’s creative horizons expand, the unveiling of Lands Unknown offers a tantalising glimpse into a universe brimming with untold adventures. With the promise of further exploration and discovery, fans of Hellboy and newcomers alike can embark on a new odyssey through the realms of imagination.
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