The star of the new Doctor Who is already playing the race card pre-emptively before his Doctor Who season’s May 11th launch on Disney+ and the BBC. Ncuti Gatwa has been making strange comments since being announced in his role, and now he’s race-baiting fans, blaming white fans in particular for the show’s inevitable failure.
Troubles started for the show from the moment the 60th Anniversary Special aired, when Russell T. Davies, writer, and showrunner, put a proverbial middle finger up at fans by introducing a new “Rose,” but this time a trans man pretending to be a woman. If audiences didn’t accept this new character, the dialogue beat the audience over the head with redundant and patronizing dialogue as characters repeatedly referred to the guy as Donna Noble’s “beautiful daughter” repeatedly.
Russell T. Davies further riled up fans against this incarnation of the show, giving an interview to the Radio Times stating the new season will upset fans and “annoy people,” making it clear he is intentionally causing outrage with what fans consider poor writing choices for future Doctor Who episodes.

RELATED: Doctor Who Adds Steven Moffat As Writer For Ncuti Gatwa Season To Try To Garner More Nostalgia
In The Church On Ruby Road, however, the opening sequence somehow managed to get worse with the political agenda. It showed Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor dancing in a skirt and blouse in a club while Millie Gibson looks on. His new female companion then proceeds to get in a car with a clear transgender person who towers over the rest of the women while wearing fishnets. To make it worse, that man sang a sultry, feminine Christmas song to drill into the heads of audiences that this will be the new normal.
Ratings were some of the lowest for a new Doctor ever, and as this occurred, we learned Millie Gibson has already been taken out of the show as the companion and race-replaced in the second season which has already filmed.
The media has already begun its smear campaign of fans, with Newsweek calling fans who dislike the Doctor Who direction “racist” in an article last year. Now, in an interview with Deadline, Ncuti Gatwa is joining the chorus by playing the race card and blaming fans for the show’s woes.

The Deadline article opens by talking about Ncuti Gatwa’s blackness and his LGBTQ affiliations, before referencing an interview with Attitude. Ncuti Gatwa said, “We do see a shift happening in casting, in positions of power and in the status quo. I mean, not a fast shift, things could tip over the other way a little bit quicker. But you see people kind of malfunctioning because things are changing.”
While he was clearly cast for being black and LGBTQ, it’s not enough. He wants more change, but what that is becomes clearer as he continues, “There’s so much White mediocrity that gets celebrated, and Black people, we have to be absolutely flawless to get half of [that] anyway. So, I’m slowly training myself out of that and being like, ‘No sh–. You deserve love just for existing.’”
Blacks and queers existing now is recent to be celebrated and to get roles, according to Ncuti Gatwa, which is exactly what Russell T. Davies and the BBC seemed to be thinking with this iteration of Doctor Who. But he goes further in playing the victim in the interview.
“Everything trickles down from the top, and when you see politicians openly attacking marginalized communities, when you see our politicians openly attacking trans people, it makes it OK for everyone else,” Ncuti Gatwa said. “And it is scary to see that we’ve got to a point where it is fine to attack vulnerable people because that’s essentially what’s happening. People who are the most vulnerable, the most disenfranchised, most disconnected from everyone else are being told that they are the threats.”
The Doctor Who actor then said, “It’s sick because it’s a hiding away of your own ineptitude. You’re going to put the blame on immigrants, Black and Brown people, trans people, queer people, to hide the fact that you are not doing anything for people? It’s easier to just create discord amongst people. It’s divide and conquer, isn’t it?”
It seems to be complete projection that Doctor Who is intentionally divisive, with Millie Gibson calling the show “controversial.” Russell T. Davies and his crew know what they’re doing, and Ncuti Gatwa is a pawn pushing dividing and conquering, but to what end isn’t clear, as the show’s ratings have not been up to prior iterations of the Doctor.
Regardless, the message is clear as the Doctor Who team is going to be blaming white fans for its own failures, attempting to get sympathy views rather than produce quality content for its fans.
What do you think of Ncuti Gatwa’s race-baiting comments on Doctor Who fans? Leave a comment and let us know.
Yep, Ncuti Gatwa definitely sounds like a Critical Race Theorist.
Rich coming from a colonizer.
Peter Capaldi was the death of Dr Who.
Since when has insulting the fanbase led to a successful show?
I mean, they do it again and again and it always flops
Why do they keep trying? Are they just trying to see how far they can push people before they say ‘fuck this’ and burn your damned studio down?