I checked out of politics after the election was completely stolen and no one did anything about it. Why bother? The difference between Rs and Ds is fake. They put out warnings so private citizens like Trump can never disrupt them again. Nothing is a clearer example of this than Governor Abbott of Texas yesterday […]
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection Volume 14: Going Gray Review
The Dankstream #28: OMG Gina Carano STAR WAR!
Disney CEO Gives Chicken Answer On Gina Carano’s Firing
A Steve Ditko LOST TALE Rediscovered – The Flash Gordon Comic That Never Was
Disney CEO Is Asked About Gina Carano In Shareholders Meeting
You know they’re scared about the backlash they’re receiving if it’s coming up in their bigger business meetings like this. I watched an interesting analysis of the situation this morning here: He gives a non-answer politician speech about Disney “not being left leaning or right leaning.” followed with some gobbledygook about diversity. Sure. I don’t […]
Pulp By Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips Review
Bleeding Fool EXPOSES Comic Industry Blacklists And Whisper Networks!
INSANE: Legendary Marvel Creator Jim Steranko CANCELED For Talking About COVID!
Viruses And Vaccines
I’ve been doing research all morning on the above topic and finding some very interesting information. The vaccine industry is one borne out of a desire for control and continued and sustained overcharging/profits. There’s a lot of health dangers to consider and the elites have slowly stripped away choice in the matter of the public. […]