We now live in a. world where Mr. Potatohead has to be canceled. Why? Are the 5 year olds who are the target demographic offended by the word “Mister” existing? Probably not. But idiot mentally ill adults are. But I’ve noticed a trend. This came especially after I saw an ad from democrat candidates here […]
Honoring Ditko
I noticed there’s a lot of comics which are in the public domain which did not get the nice hardcover treatment from Fantagraphics from the era of 1957 – 1961. As such, I stayed up far too late last night compiling a list of these stories to restore the colors and see if we can […]
Luke Cage Epic Collection Volume 1: Hero For Hire Review
SHOCK CLAIM: CW’s Superman & Lois Is RACIST?!
Battle Of The Cringe! Who is Worse: Marvel Comics Or Micah Curtis?
The Best So Far!
Deus Vult had my strongest first two days ever. We’re fast approaching $10,000 which usually takes me a couple of weeks to get to when I’m making a crowdfund. What this tells me is I was right about what people want from comics: Classic-style art that feels like Marvel from the 70s Pulp-style storylines like […]
Nightwing Year One Deluxe Edition Review
STUNNING & BRAVE: More Minority Replacement Characters For SJW Comic Movies!
The Dankstream #23: Black People Are NOT Orcs + TESTEFY Exposed!
You Don’t Need Big Tech, They Need You
I’ve been very cautious with Facebook in the past as to not get suspended, as I’d noticed that about 1/5th of my crowdfund support for my comics came from links from the Facebook site according to tracking. It’s from robust posting in groups over there related to comics, more than anything. But this campaign, I […]