WOKE: What’s a SFWA Grand Master Even Mean Anymore?
Why Doesn’t SFWA Just Make NK Jemisin Grand Master?
That’s clearly what they want to do, but with SFWA’s nomination of Nalo Hopkinson as this year’s Grand Master of Sci-Fi, they’ve finally made the turn from nominating people are obvious choices (Niven, Bujold, Gibson) to the Diversity & Inclusivity Affirmative Action Award. If you’re wondering who Nalo Hopkinson is, I was wondering the same […]
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy The Graphic Novel Collection Review
The Dankstream Episode 4: Crusading With John C. Wright
LatinX Literary Scholar Wants To CANCEL Classic Books!
Doing It Better Than DC
Every time I see one of these ridiculous oconcepts form DC or Marvel, I just think on how I can do it better, and then I execute it better on every level. If you haven’t seen it already, yes, this is real. Now i can do an alien girl in high school struggling with friends, […]
Thor The Mighty Avenger The Complete Collection Review
DISASTER: DC’s Latest YA Cringe Might Be The WORST Book They’ve Ever Produced!
Richard C. Meyer Doing Things Right
Unless someone’s in the forefront of whatever drama of the week is going on, very few pay attention to folk who are going out on their own. But int a lot of ways, that’s what Meyer’s done. He didn’t embattle himself in a lot of twitter drama and get caught up in the purity testing […]