SNOWFLAKE: Marvel’s Donny Cates BLOCKS Me For Enjoying Thanksgiving With My Family
Donald Duck by Carl Barks Terror of the Beagle Boys Review
VIRTUE SIGNAL – Ready Player Two Is Woker Than Woke
Fantastic Four Epic Collection At War With Atlantis Review
NIck Cole’s Author Marketing Advice – The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
Viacom/CBS DUMPS Simon & Schuster – The End Of Big Publishing?
Now Your Spider-Man Is Racist
You should probably replace him with the nu-Spider-Man who is much more adequately diverse. With the series addition to Disney Plus, ‘Sunfire’ now bears a 12-second disclaimer before the episode officially plays, which warns viewers that “this program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures,” based solely on the fact that Starfire and […]
Terry Moore’s Ever Graphic Novel Review
The Dankstream Episode 3: We’re All In House Arrest
Indie Creators DEPLATFORMED: Angry YouTuber STRIKES Comic Creators Out Of Jealousy
Conservative, Inc. Loves To Complain
Every few days I see a copule of conservative blue checks, “gosh golly, we need to address the culture! Why are there no conservative artists?” Here’s the latest. Every time, someone tags me on the post as “hey Jon Del Arroz is creating culture.” I lay out that I’ve attempted to write about culture for […]