Conservative, Inc. Loves To Complain
Every few days I see a copule of conservative blue checks, “gosh golly, we need to address the culture! Why are there no conservative artists?” Here’s the latest. Every time, someone tags me on the post as “hey Jon Del Arroz is creating culture.” I lay out that I’ve attempted to write about culture for […]
Star Trek The Official Motion Picture Adaptation 2009 Revies
Fans Go CRAZY Over Dan Slott Disney+ 616 Documentary
The Problem Of Comic Book People
At this point it has to be a flaw in the mentality of the comic person. Left or right, group or not, artist or fan, there seems to be a common denominator of completely unsociable asshole that permeates through the comic industry. Nothing exemplifies this pattern more than what we see in the Disney+ 616 […]
Supergirl New 52 Volume 1 Review
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane The Real Thing Review
Venom Epic Collection: Symbiosis Review
Rob Liefeld SAVAGES Former DC Comics Publisher Dan DiDio
#DisneyMustPay – More Corporate Nonsense From Devil Mouse
Now it appears they’re not even paying authors they hired to do their movie adaptations: When you purchased Lucasfilm you acquired the rights to some books I wrote. STAR WARS, the novelization of the very first film. SPLINTER OF THE MIND’S EYE, the first sequel novel. You owe me royalties on these books. You stopped […]
Hulk by Peter David Omnibus Volume 2 Review
Celebrating The Life Of Ann Eisner
Ann Eisner, wife of comics legend Will Eisner died at 97 late last week, according to a source close to the family. A lot of times stories like this get overlooked, but the women in our lives are integral to our success as we are, and they should be recognized. Will is best known for […]