My Comic Got CANCELED Because I Support Kanye West
Blacklisted Again For How I Vote
Yesterday, I lost a comic artist for a project because of how I vote. It’s unbelievable how disgusting people can be in 2020 to go stalk folks’ social media profile for their political and religious preferences in order to try to cancel someone, in this case, the artist in question is Michael Dorman, a white […]
Star Trek TNG: The Hive Review (the graphic novel collection 3)
Why did Donny Cates NECRO ComicsGate?
More Streaming Pedophilia
Netflix’s Cuties had some of the most disturbing imagery ever shown in promotional material, backed by extremely questionable content that makes people ask — how far is this culture going to go in trying to normalize the sexualization of children? As with so much in our society, the slippery slope is real and continuing to […]
Supergirl: Bizarrogirl Review
Alan Moore HATES Superhero Movies – And His Own Comics!
Vox Day Is Wrong About Journalists
Vox Day is famous for saying “don’t talk to journalists”, as it’s almost invariably a trap to force their narrative and twist your words to make you look bad. Unfortunatley, in 2020, his advice is proving not to be enough. You should never even be anywhere remotely in the vicinity of a journalist, or the […]
Donald Duck “The Pixelated Parrot” By Carl Barks Review
Why Do Sci-Fi Writers Try Too Hard To Be Socially Relevant?
White People Are Sure Mad At Kanye!
Kanye West posted a picture of someone writing him in on the Presidential ballot this morning… And the comments are the best part. It’s mostly white people shrieking about how a vote for Kanye is a vote for Trump, trying to socially shame anyone for supporting Mr. West. As a minority myself, I endorse Mr. […]