I should take a little time….
To tell you what’s happening in August! One, I’m pleased to announce I’m dipping my toes into publishing. Not just my own books this time, but one by a fellow that goes by Sixth Scale Combat. We’re going to have a really off the wall, trippy comic about a Vietnam War vet called The Napalm […]
Star Wars Epic Collection The Clone Wars Volume 3 Review
Patreon Is Toast
This is a huge ruling from the California Superior Court, who thankfully upheld the actual laws (one never can guarantee that anymore). Patreon wants to engage in deceptive acts against consumers and tell the consumers they simply have to take it and have no recourse. That’s not the way things work here. I’ll probably do […]
Daredevil Epic Collection A Woman Called Widow Review
Tom King Does the RIGHT Thing And Should be Commended
Things We Love: The MC2-niverse
We spend so much time talking about problems in the world and what we hate as a society now I want to talk about something I love for a moment, if you’ll bear with me. It’s fun, light-hearted, the antithesis of 2020 culture, and that’s the MC2. Originally, the MC2 was just a What If […]
THE TRUTH About Gail Simone’s Dynamite Exit
No One Wins The Association Blame Game
I know it’s almost a tired topic at this point, but I’m reading Gail Simone’s statement about how she’s not going to work for Dynamite Comics anymore and thinking about the whole association blame game. Now I don’t feel bad at all for Ethan Van Sciver nor his crew who are bilking money off of […]
Jae Lee DESTROYS Tom King’s Attempt to CANCEL Him
Bible Vs. Art
I’ve been a bit too busy with work to blog this morning, so have a meme.