CLOWN WORLD: DC Writer Tom King Tries To CANCEL His OWN Cover Artist!
Imperial Settlers: Rise Of The Empire + Promos Unboxing
Why Are There No Conservatives In Culture?
MLB Doubles Down On Cringe
It’s unbelievable that they don’t put a stop to this, but we know what happens when an organization becomes lost to SJWs. They lose their entire purpose an become distracted at all times with their pointless virtue signaling. The Dodgers now have gone full-tilt with the MLB posting everywhere how virtuous they are: Nothing says […]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Works Volume 2
Do You Want A REAL Alternative To Mainstream Cancer?
Getting Ready For Flying Sparks Volume 4
Prepping the kickstarter this week in preparation for an August launch. I know folk have been waiting awhile for this so thank you for your patience. Flying Sparks 4 really ups the quality again, I’m so shocked at how beautiful this art is and how this story really has taken off into something big. This […]
Star Trek The John Byrne Collection Review
Robert Heinlein Leatherbound Virginia Edition Overview
Keeping Up With The Kanyashians
The last few days have been a whirlwind in the Kanye West world, first a presidential rally where he had no microphones so he appeared to rant — but said very sane things which were sensible if you actually listened to what he was saying. It was followed by a series of tweets where he […]