SFWA Blog Job -Whites Need Not Apply
SFWA posted a job offer for someone to cull through blog posts and do initial edits on Wednesday. Much like their other initiatives as of late, it’s the color of one’s skin which is most important to them, not the content of one’s work: BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) and other marginalized candidates […]
Red Planet by a Robert A. Heinlein Review
Is Art Like This Even Legal In Current Year?!
Ethan Van Sciver – A Men’s Whisper Gossip Circle
All of comics internet was losing their minds because of a post by a site I won’t link regarding “whisper circles” in comics. It came down to a bunch of women in a facebook group bitching about men. Everyone is “shocked and appalled” by this, and of course the site that posted the article’s owners […]
Berserk Deluxe Edition Volume 2 Review
If JK Rowling Cared About CANCEL CULTURE, She’d Do This…
Why Do We Care About Licensed Fan-Fic?
I saw a great post on twitter from Devin Grayson, somewhat ironically a former Batman writer for DC, which got me thinking about our culture in general. I love this advice. Like what you like, ignore what you don’t. There’s no “canon” that’s for real in anything fiction, as none of it is real. It […]
DC Comics Writers HARASS Superman Actor!
Mech Training – EXCLUSIVE For Patreon
Over the weekend I released my new novella, Mech Training, which follows my Steam Knight James Gentry’s adventures as the saga of Rislandia unfolds. If you’ve read the Steam Knight, this will be the direct next sequence for his stories, and it takes place in the middle of The Iron Wedding as James and Ethan […]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimate Collection Volume 1 Review
If Trad Pub Did It To Heinlein, What Will They Do To You?
All the way back in 1948, the golden age of science fiction, Heinlein had just finished with Rocket Ship Galileo, a masterpiece of fun fiction, moving onto his next project after such a rounding success. This one is Red Planet, an allegory for the American revolution, dealing with company bureaucrats who are messing with colonists […]