Twitter Steps Up Its Purge Of Right-Wing Commentators
Just when it looked like things calmed down on the Twitter front, they’ve reversed direction again. I’ve noticed a big difference in the last month with engagement, a lack of throttling, finally getting new followers again. It’s been a new experience with shadowbans looking like they’ve been removed. But as soon as Carpe Donktum’s video […]
Why I’m Not On Parler
I’ve seen far too many of these instances in the last couple of years, proclaiming a great alternative to Twitter and Facebook, going to revolutionize everything. They come up too fast, they’re not ready for prime time, and there’s always a major issue with the platform. Parler seems to have a few issues with it: […]
Nebula Award-Nominated Author PULLS Story From SFWA Anthology — Because Of Their Racism!
Chuck Wendig — Predator Defender?
With all the #MeToo allegations in sci-fi and comics this last week, it’s no surprise it’s come back around to everyone’s favorite Library destroyer, Chuck Wendig, famous prior to this for writing poor star wars books and inserting sexual deviancy into them: How terrible to be such a fake ally to the feminist community to […]
Tigra The Complete Collection Review
CREEPY #MeToo Allegations Rock The Comic Industry!
The Pattern Of Ethan Van Sciver Gamma Attacks
I’m used to Ethan Van Sciver coming at me at this juncture, as it’s been more than 2 1/2 years of it. Last night started with yet another passive aggressive hit, Ethan lamenting that folk like myself, Vox Day, Timothy Lim, and Brett R. Smith want to fight the culture war by making culture — […]
Silver Surfer Omnibus Review
Hugo-Nominated Magazine Declares SFWA A TERRORIST Organization
Scalzi Sees The Writing On The Wall
John Scalzi announced he would be off social media and his blog until July. Why? Several of his friends — who he now redubs “people I once considered friends”–got hit by the latest round of #MeToo circling through comics and sci-fi authors. There’s blood in the water, and any male feminist author is now right […]