The Return of Great TV? Stargirl Episode 1 “Pilot” Review!
#ComicsGate Is Finally Imploding
It started on September 3rd 2018. I remember the date vividly as I couldn’t believe what was happening. Vox Day opened up an imprint to allow small creators to use his printer discount on behalf of #ComicsGate, something that would have helped take the burden of production off of the smallest indie creators and help […]
Graphic Novel Haul from Waterfront Comics
Is The DC Universe App Worth A Subscription?
Winning The Social Media War
As mentioned in yetserday’s blog, social media is simply crushing anything that is of any use to independent authors in general, and even more businesses. I understand the answer is “build your own platform” but as an adage, that’s a lot easier said than done. I have my own platform here, where I can type […]
War Campaign Actually Made A Book??? A Vestige Review!
Changing CANCER Culture: How Do We Do It?
Social Media Throttling
The lousy part about being an author now is that the landscape is so much different than it was even two years ago. It’s not the wild west anymore, with social media companies clamping down and only allowing their approved content to be seen by the masses. Facebook At this point, Facebook has become a […]
Savage Dragon Archives Volume 1 Review
INSTANT REGRET: CBR Gets SAVAGED Over Bizarre Anti-American Rant
D-Thor Reviewed By The Hut
We got a nice review from The Comic Book Hut today, He noticed that I did a lot of “old timey” tricks of writing comics in this story. Got a moderate review on it overall and he pointed out a pretty bad typo at the end. I’m not sure how I missed that one. But […]