ComicsWriterPro Secrets Episode #13: Messages In Fiction
On Realism In Comics and Sc-Fi
The trends over the last decades have been pushing further and further into what authors love to call “realism” — but is more a dark, bleak outlook where there’s no hope. It’s nihilism, but taking “real” parts of what we experience as humans, the worst hardest ones, and shoving those into stories. It creates heroic, […]
Fantastic Four Epic Collection Volume 3 The Coming Of Galactus Review
Did Sean Gordon Murphy Join COMICSGATE?
DS9 And… Personal Property Rights?
I’m watching through Star Trek Deep Space 9 with the family and I was shocked to see an episode, “Progress” where the Bajoran government an the Federation come in to try to steal a man’s farm for “the good of the people.” The man refuses to read, and interestingly, throughout the epsiode, he’s portrayed as […]
LOST Comic History: Supergirl and Superboy’s Stories Without A Crisis
The DEATH Of Floppy Comics? Strange News From DC
CROWDFUNDING ANALYSIS: Robotoad After Action Report
Deep Space 9 Rewatch
One of the major influences on my wanting to do science fiction was Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (along with Babylon 5, as both were on the air simultaneously). Something about this show really upped the ante from what Star Trek was on TNG. I know part of it was Roddenberry didn’t allow any starfleet […]