I stayed up late last night waiting for the drop of Kanye West’s new album, Jesus Is King. It’d been pretty hyped not by him, but by Kim Kardashian, who I view as a bit more reliable than Kanye as far as what’s said. And as of now, when it’s supposed to be released, it’s […]
BANNED On Twitter And Can’t Promote!
Is it any coincidence that the Twitter police come after me in the last 2 days of my Kickstarter campaign? No. The first time I ran Flying Sparks, they mass reported me because an editor from Tor Books was attacking me because I said I was a #1 bestseller (something objectively true) and she harassed […]
Only 3 Days Left!!! The REAL Indie Alternative
Guys it’s imperative to help get word about Flying Sparks out there. The campaign’s about over and we still have a lot of cool stuff I want to be able to deliver through the funds o the stretch goals. This time around, we don’t have much youtube support, it’s pretty much all up to reader […]
Meme Of The Day: Impeach Trump Now!
You know, doesn’t seem like a bad idea… I have a dream! You can see that dream in Justified: Saga of the NanoTemplar, near perfect reviews. Read now!
How To Write Comics
I had a really good stream yesterday it is worth watching for people interested in my creation process: Click and subscribe if you like it. I see so many bad crowdfund projects that really don’t have much to the story, and don’t seem to have any discipline in the pacing, plotting or character elements. This […]
Meme Of The Day: Is Tucker A Smug Anime Girl?
Nearly identical. If you love my content please support Flying Sparks! Only 4 days left on Kickstarter! Back today.
Identifying The Fake Right
Over the last few years, we’ve had a number of starts and stops of movements because grifters came in to make something about themselves rather than about the goal, which is to further the culture and change it so we are on equal footing with the elite-controlled left. The same situations happen over and over, […]
The Last Week Of The Campaign!!!
We just hit 250 backers!!! At 300 I’ll do a giveaway on the campaign. Back now so you get the updates and don’t miss it! Only 6 days left!!!! This is the best indie superhero book out there if you haven’t tried it yet you really should be reading. Get in on it now. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/forsteamandcountry/flying-sparks-volumes-1-3
Working Despite Not Wanting To
There’s going to be up and down days, productive and less productive days, that’s part of life. But I have come firmly to believe that the difference between very successful people and those who aren’t, is the willingness to push oneself even during the days you’re tired and not in the mood to get your […]
Meme Of The Day: It’s Just Common Sense
You can’t argue with common sense. If you like my content, support my patreon! I’m bringing all this blog and fun for everyone for free and it depends on your support — plus you get a lot of goodies like short stories, comics, etc. when you subscribe. Great value. Great cause. Go subscribe!
They Can’t Stop The Signal Part… Whatever It Is
It happens every time I come out with something successful. I get jealous haters sniping at me, running whisper campaigns to get people to unfriend me, unfollow me, lean on reviewers not to talk about my work. I know the game, I know the drill at this point. And I just keep putting out exciting […]
Meme Of The Day: To My Haters
Awoooooooooooooooo We had a huge 24 hours. Nearly a thousand bucks up on Flying Sparks 3. Let’s keep it going so we can hit the next stretch goal at $12,500. FREE COMICS FOR EVERYONE! Back now. I promise a great superhero book.