There’s a new “controversy” going on, this time surrounding the Houston Astros. It’s another lesson in the media these days — that all of these “journalists” or “reporters” or whatever you want to call them are actually blood-sucking parasites trying to get under the skin of successful people and tear them down. The backstory is […]
When Churches Won’t Push Christian Culture
The churches in America have been cucked worse than almost any other institution since the 1960s. You’ll see grandstanding churches host spirit cooking witches like Hillary Clinton and hold her up as the next messiah. But when a rapper denounces his former lifestyle and tries to change the culture for Christ, what do they do? […]
How Do We Change The Cultural Conversation Away From Nostalgia Brands?
It happened yesterday. Some shitty space franchise which has not made a good film since 1983 has the entire internet going ballistic like a bunch of monkeys waiting for a banana treat. And this is what my social media feed looks like. We know the story’s going to be trash. It’s going to be pop […]
Sorry Nerds, Your Devil Mouse Superhero Movies Are Not High Art
It’s been quite a week watching Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola roundly denounce the superhero films of the last couple of decades, which one after another have milked comic book franchises for characters created in pulp comics in the 1930s-1960s. Hollywood really has failed to create anything new in years, and the masses have […]
The SJW Mob Comes For Baen Books Over The Stupidest Thing Ever
Alternate Blog Title: If You Cuck, You Lose (Baen Books Edition) Much like I discussed with Mike Miller getting removed from Kickstarter a couple of weeks ago, I don’t particularly feel sorry for Baen Books. I say this as someone who when I was a kid it was my dream to get published there. But […]
The Most Ambitious Book Yet
The Iron Wedding is out today — Book Four in the Adventures of Baron Von Monocle, my most popular series. And do I have incredible twists for you. You won’t see what’s coming at all, but it’s been hinted at throughout the first books. The series takes off in a radical new direction with wonders, […]
Von Monocle Hardcovers – Now On Kickstarter!
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do this, but with The Iron Wedding launching tomorrow, I wanted to get an option for hardcovers up for everyone. I’ll be signing and numbering all of these books from Kickstarter and these will be available for Christmas to make for some epic Steampunk fun for all. The […]
What Flouncing Gamma Males Don’t Understand
Every day I get several messages, comments, tweets from gamma males trying to assert their non-status by either trying to act like they’re smarter than me, or trying to pull a “you’ll be sorry when I leave!” when I don’t respond kindly to their “well, acktualllly….” style comments. The last couple of days as I’ve […]
The Rise Of Corporate Communism
I’m seeing a distinct lack of posts by my “well corporations are free to do whatever they want. Muh corporations!” from my Libertardian friends — or perhaps it’s because I have less Libertards following me than I used to. It’s pretty amazing how quickly these multi-national corporations jumped from “Made In America” as brands like […]
Announcing Sirius Science Fiction!
Superstar Short Story Writer Lou Antonelli stopped by the blog to let people know about a new science fiction short fiction outlet, Sirius Science Fiction: Lou Antonelli is a Texas-based author who in the real world owns and operates his local newspaper, The Clarksville Times in Red River County, Texas. He’s been a journalist for […]
Flying Sparks – End of IndieGoGo
We’re reaching the end of the indiegogo portion of the campaign, which we ran short for 14 days. The book is 100% done, getting ready for print so will be out to you very soon. Get in now. Only 5 hours left as of this writing. There will be a short indemand period for people […]
Talk About Indies, Dammit!
I know I beat this drum all the time, but culture wins because of a system where corporations have you attached to brands so you constantly talk about them. When you talk about them, the discussion goes viral, it’s FREE MARKETING for the corporation. Doesn’t matter if you loved something. Doesn’t matter if you hate […]