Brandon Sanderson broke the minds of many in the publishing industry two years ago with a secret novel campaign on Kickstarter for four books, which raised over $41 million on the site from more than 185,000 backers. Now, he’s back in the crowdfunding game, showing that his work has staying power through a BackerKit sale […]
Marvel Comics Editor Tom Brevoort Calls Anti-Woke Fans “Cretins” While Confirming X-Men Reboot Will Push Agenda
The X-Men franchise has been embattled over the last several years with poor storylines and a complete mess in the Krakoa era ever since Jonathan Hickman left the titles to far less talented writers. Marvel Comics planned a reboot a few months ago under the stewardship of editor Tom Brevoort, who has already caused problems […]
Clover Press Launches New Color Edition Of Tim Sale’s Classic Billi 99
There are a lot of great comics on Kickstarter as of late, but something eye-catching appeared in the form of a new color production of Billi 99, one of Tim Sale’s earliest works in comics. Presented by Clover Press, a company that’s done some great classic work like a restoration of Terry and the Pirates, […]
X-Men ’97 Lead Character Designer and Director Confirm Disney Marvel Redesigning Characters For “Body Diversity” And To “Stay Relevant”
X-Men ’97 has been embroiled in controversy ever since the trailer launched, and predictably, clues as to an extremist woke rewriting of the X-Men franchise are beginning to emerge from the Marvel Animation property. The lead character designer, Amelia Vidal, has confirmed character redesigns are being done with a diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda in […]
The Soska Sisters Reveal Their Top 10 Female Heroes
The Soska Sisters joined Eric July’s Rippaverse last year, announced as the writers and editors of the hotly anticipated book, Yaira, which will be coming soon. The Soska Sisters have worked on Marvel Comics Black Widow and made their own works, and readers might be interested in seeing where their influences are when it comes […]
Gail Simone Takes Heat From Woke Twitter Mob For Her Women Of Marvel #1 Story
Gail Simone was chosen by Marvel Comics to headline their Women Of Marvel #1 special, an anthology book filled with mostly unheard of names other than the long-time feminist icon in comics. It seemed like a safe choice as she has enough of a following that she would help sell some books with her name, […]
Woke Star Wars Fans Outraged About Composer Dean Kiner Being “Deadnamed” In The Bad Batch
Disney is under fire from a woke mob this morning on X, as the credits for the most recent episodes of Star Wars: The Bad Batch featured a composer who changed his name to be female. Activists are accusing Disney of “deadnaming,” which they consider to be one of the worst crimes possible. In recent […]
Eric July Announces New Rippaverse Initiative “Rippasend” And Drunk 3PO Joins The New Platform
Eric July announced a new arm to his robust Rippaverse comic empire on Wednesday with the unveiling of his new Rippasend initiative. With a five-minute video explaining the concept and a new website, Eric July aims to transform crowdfunding for independent creators by offering a one-stop shop providing consulting, campaign management, webstore openings, printing and […]
Marvel Comics Leaks New X-Men Relaunch Will Further Feminist Agenda With Kitty Pryde And Rogue Leading Teams
Every month is some kind of identity politics-driven month in the comic industry these days. We just finished Black History Month, and we’re now onto International Women’s Day Month, or at least, that’s how they’re going to market new books like The Women Of Marvel. It’s unveiling more of the same as Marvel Comics and […]
BOOM! Studios Launches Farscape 25th Anniversary Comic Celebration With Complete Collection
Farscape is having its 25th anniversary as one of the most innovative science fiction shows ever to grace television. The show went for four seasons plus the Peacekeeper Wars specials, but also had a four year run with an official continuation done in comics form from 2008-2011. Now, for the first time, the comics are […]
Marvel Reveals A Gender-Bending Masculine Redesign For Storm For The Disney+ X-Men ’97 Cartoon
X-Men ’97 has been under fire from fans for their making identity politics decisions in the designs which are ruining beloved characters. The show is going to release on Disney+ as a continuation of the original animated series. Now, Marvel Studios has unveiled they will be releasing a preview comic on March 27th which will […]
Google Gemini AI Libels YouTuber HeelVsBabyFace As Promoting “Hate Speech”
We’ve seen Google’s Gemini AI get downright weird last week to the point where it’s become more than a meme. It seems that any time someone inputs a prompt asking for a white person, Gemini AI spits out an image that forces interracial diversity of some sort. Even asking historical questions won’t yield accurate answers. […]