Pleased to announce that I’ll be a guest on Catholic Geek Radio this Sunday, March 5th at 1:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. We’ll be talking about Space Opera, what makes it good, what makes it bad, and everything in between (probably mostly rambling about Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9… hopefully with a little Star Realms: Rescue Run in between).
Here’s the link:
Really excited about this, and it’s a two hour show so we’ll have time to get in depth. There is a call in line on there so if you’re interested in the genre and have questions, this is your chance! This is my ultimate sub-genre. Having written 2 and 2/3 space opera books (this last one should be finished soon!) and released one of those so far, as well as having grown up reading and watching everything I find, I consider myself a bit of an expert in this topic. 🙂
What is Space Opera, you ask? This is a good definition, though it is on the simplistic side of it. Think Star Wars, Lensman, Ringworld, Hyperion.
Do give a listen and let your friends know!
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