I love Gab. It’s fun. It’s free speech. I feel safe there where other social media has left me and many others open to harassment and vitriol of a sort that prior to 2016, I’d never seen on anywhere except for 4chan.
One thing on gab that’s been almost impossible to topple, is their top trends. Ever since Gab.ai opened the trending tags have been: #MAGA, #Trump, #GabFam, sometimes with #SpeakFreely sneaking in there.
This morning I resolved to change that.
With the most recent phony outrage that the fake news and the shrieking idiots are providing, I did two things: 1. changed my name across social media to Russian Agent Jon and 2. asked the kind folk on gab to play a game and get something trending.
It went a little something like this:
From there, I posted several more funny little quips about my connections to Russia, and a couple of awesome people joined in with me. Once we had 4 or 5 of us going, gab took over.
I just looked at my feed and here’s our result:
676 posts! I got this trending and am so proud. One, because there’s hundreds of people mocking the complete lunacy of the fake news media, and two, because it’s fun.
Of course… that’s exactly what a Russian spy would want you to think! #ConfessYourRussianConnections
I drank quite a few white.Russians last night. I cant recall…. if I leaked any
Ahahhaha 😀
Ha! That’s pretty awesome!!