Despite a concerted high school-style effort to get people to shun me by the Mean Girls club, I hit 1,500 followers of Twitter today. I like round numbers, so I’m going to celebrate by giving away a free advance copy of my forthcoming novella, Gravity Of The Game!
Made it! Thank you everyone for following and the interest in my books + journalism. Comment for a chance to win the novella, closes Monday!
— Jon Del Arroz (@jondelarroz) September 29, 2017
Leave a comment on Twitter here, and I hope you’ll follow and share with your friends to help spread the word of this very touching sci-fi story. If you love America, love baseball, or just like to see how culture shapes the world around us, this’ll be a great book. Totally PG and a little in it for everyone.
Since I like to hit all platforms, and I really like round numbers, I’ll do a similar giveaway for where if I hit 1500 there
Or facebook if I can hit 1500 friends there.
Or my Grand Rislandian Army facebook group (book discussion and promotion only – politics free!) if it hits 100 members:
And youtube if I get to 100 subscribers:
I’ve got an instagram…but I’m still trying to figure out how to use it effectively. jdelarroz there 🙂 Gimme a couple weeks on this one!
Whew! A lot of social media, and a lot of chances for a free book. I want to get this in as many hands as possible, because my advance readers think it’ll be a great candidate for the Hugo award for best novella next year!
Thanks everyone for your tremendous support. It’s been super encouraging and great so far. I can’t wait to share all these fun books with you as I get everything edited and polished for you.
I just wanted to say what a great cover that is, and I’m not even a baseball fan.
Thanks 🙂