It’s been reported that Marvel has ousted Alonso. They’ve promoted C.B. Cebulksi who, refreshingly, seems to tweet mostly about creativity and art and not politics.
Marvel Entertainment, the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment company, announced today that C.B. Cebulski has been promoted to Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief effective November 17, 2017. Former Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso has mutually parted ways with the company. The announcement was made by Dan Buckley, President, Marvel Entertainment.
In his new role, Mr. Cebulski will oversee all day-to-day editorial and creative aspects of Marvel’s publishing division. This includes driving the overall editorial creative vision, shaping the larger story direction of the Marvel Comics line-up, and bringing to Marvel the world’s best and brightest writers and artists. Additionally, Mr. Cebulski will be furthering Marvel’s efforts to expand the publishing division internationally.
Now I hope that the international efforts don’t mean further efforts to stagnate or pause the classic characters for movies… which was made easy by replacing them with SJW knock-off versions in the last couple years. Legacy has been a failure, as it didn’t create any real change in the company from what’s destroyed it. It just let the same people back in and used a gimmick holo-cover type thing to try to get it going.
I’d recommend CB clean house. Drop everything and start from scratch, rebuild Marvel from the ground up. Cut anyone who uses autoblockers and treats fans like garbage on Twitter, and cut the most vitriolic political shills as well. Bring in fresh faces, do something new. I’d even maybe call it Rebirth.
On the creative side – expand creator owned content. Don’t just make an Icon imprint for like your pet 1-2 to do their thing with no promotion. Encourage creativity and newness. You’re not going to be able to live off of Stan Lee’s creations in the print form alone for another 50 years. It’s already been milked dry.
I’d even considering bringing back CrossGen.
If you like good creative action adventure, you’ll probably enjoy my novel For Steam And Country, which will make a great comic some day in addition to a novel series. Check it out here.