For The Ember War I’ve been so excited to work with Graham Nolan, who’s been a long time hero of mine in the comic industry. Graham has done amazing work including his own Monster Island, Airboy, and of course Batman, in which he co-created the character of Bane with legendary writer Chuck Dixon. It was amazing being able to get him for The Ember War’s cover. I hope this book is a tremendous success so we can use him 8 more times for a beautiful gallery of Richard Fox graphic novels.
Without further ado, here is Graham’s stellar art for the cover:
And I’m pleased to announce colors will be done for the cover by Brett R. Smith — a veteran in the industry who’s worked for the big companies, is best known for Trump’s Space Force and Flying Sparks’ cover. It’s exciting to work with Brett again!
Also make sure to watch as Richard Fox and I go live to talk about the book at 12 PM PST today!
The Ember War will go live on IndieGoGo on Tuesday. For now, check out Flying Sparks by the same creative team. It’s gone to printer and I anticipate I’ll have the books here within the month for shipping.
That panel looks very interesting. Waiting for tuesday.