What a great conference! I’ve rarely felt so energized about writing as I have these last couple of days. What it comes down to is what I’ve always been saying: write more, and become a master of advertising. Those two things are all anyone needs for success.
It may seem a daunting task, but there’s courses out there on marketing. There’s a lot that can be done and anyone can really do it. It’ just a question on if you have a will and a drive to.
For me, this means really upping my game on Amazon ads, fixing my descriptions on my books in conjunction with those, working with Facebook ads, and trying to double my productivity next year.
I’m about 2 scenes from wrapping up the second book in a science fiction trilogy I intend on launching next year. I’ve got a couple of such trilogies in the pipeline as well as several great comics. We’ll see how it goes!
For now, check out my Patreon. That’s where I’ll be launching stuff including full first drafts of books to my top tier backers. Check it out here.
Did they announce the winners of the Keystroke Medium Reader’s Choice awards?