It’s 2019, and I feel like this has been beaten to death as a topic, but it still bears repeating as we now have the millionth example of someone hoping to get back in the good graces of SJWs who control publishing after explicitly VIOLATING THE NARRATIVE.
I need to point people to the great book SJWs Always Lie by Vox Day is the single best resource to see how SJWs will act, to be able to predict their behavior, and also to be able to recognize how you should act when you are under SJW attack.
We’ve seen as YA has blown up yet again with fake controversy, drummed up by a few authors jealous of a contract received by Amelie Zhao– who, the SJWs in publishing apparently decided to give their token Asian a $500,000 advance for her first published writing efforts. It was an insane move, and one meant to garner pats on the back from New York elites so they could show how diverse they are with “own voices” (a buzzword used in publishing which will send you down a terrible rabbit hole if you look up).
Despite her sacred minority woman status, she was targeted for VIOLATING THE NARRATIVE, and, instead of rightfully saying “Fuck you” to the censorship brigade who was fake outraged about her having a fantasy book with slaves in it (oh noes!), she pulled the book from publication. She has not made a statement since apologizing. She’s been mobbed. The New York Fake News Media actually came out and protected her to some degree because she’s a minority (which they hadn’t done for white authors in the past), but her brand is forever tarnished as she has been branded a racist. Her career will never be the same.
Keira Drake, a person who underwent much the same situation as Amelie Zhao a year ago, but as a white woman, took out an op ed in the New York Times to discuss “social media mobs.” I was pretty excited for this at first because I thought “finally, someone’s fighting back and doing what they’re supposed to do.” Until I read the article, which is why this needs to be restated.
Her article is spent apologizing for her work, where she “copied” Native American and Japanese cultures and made them into fantasy cultures in her book The Continent, a pretty standard trope in the fantasy genre. You can point to almost any culture in books and see parallels to real world cultures, and that’s part of the fun of the genre, being able to play with “what ifs” outside realism’s bounds. She was branded racist for this because of this fake outrage “cultural appropriation” where white people aren’t allowed to write anything under SJW rules. She was branded a racist. Her book was pulled and rewritten and delayed as a result, and the publishing industry threw her under the bus with very little marketing effort, and just let her flail in the wind against haters.
Unfortunately, Drake didn’t learn from the situation. It’s a year later, and the article keeps apologizing, saying her critics “were right.” This is a fatal mistake against SJWs. Their intention is not for you to have some actual inclusive book to make all the feels happy and everyone to get along — their intention is to destroy you because of your identity.
I repeat: they are disingenuous. They do not care about what they’re espousing. Do not ever take them at face value.
Drake is targeted because she’s white. She’s not getting the coddling from the media that Zhao gets because Zhao is not white. That’s all there is to it. They want a scalp, because much like Keira’s fantasy culture in her book, they are bloodthirsty savages. Keira’s changes to her original book were “not enough” — and they will never be enough, because this is a crazed mob, not a group of people seriously debating topics.
Think about it. Their whole point is topics and debate get shut down. They want white people to never write cultures outside of white experiences, yet at the same time white people need to write more diversity. You must not write A, but you must write more A is the logical syllogism. It’s contradictory. The point is to remove white authors, nothing else. Over identity. Just like they’re complaining about identities being “marginalized” they want to force marginalization on another.
SJW attacks will happen, they can come out of nowhere, it doesn’t matter if you’re a good diversity liberal like Drake, or if you’re an evil right winger like me. They do try to pick easy targets, people who can’t psychologically handle the stress so they can bring them down.
There’s only two ways to handle the attack, as we see the result of Drake’s apologies — her career is in big trouble and she doesn’t have a support network because she said “they’re right” so she is not a cause to rally behind. Apology is not an option if you want to come out with your career or life intact. You can:
- Fight It Directly
- Keep your head down, do your work and act like it doesn’t exist (another form of fighting it)
I’ve seen both of these strategies work, and it depends on the type of person you are and what your identity type is. If you’re a white male, I don’t recommend the keeping your head down strategy because you will be perceived as aggressive at every turn. If you’re female, I’ve seen it work in certain situations. Those situations is where you’re NEEDED by the industry you’re in — to where you’ve reached critical mass to the point where you have to be able to produce your work and it’d cause your company a big loss to stop you. If you’re too small, you’ll still get screwed.
But fighting it is the best solution for most people. You will never be accepted by the SJW mob. Don’t try. They are not going to bring you into their tribe after scalping you. They always will sneer at you, it will always be uncomfortable at their conventions. There’s nothing you can do. They will view every action you take as evil, you can’t change it.
However, these are very weak people. They’re so weak minded they can’t even handle fantasy books after all. If you fight and say you’re good at what you do, screw SJWs, you can create a business for yourself. It’s going to be outside of the standard corporate business (because those are run by SJW mobs at this juncture, or at least people friendly to them), but you can thrive. I’ve done it. Vox Day has done it. Larry Correia has done it. Ethan Van Sciver has done it. It drives people INSANE how successful we are because we have our own platforms and it’s very hard to tamper with them. We make good money in our fields, and have such loyal fanbases it makes other authors very jealous.
The reason is because our audience knows they can depend on us. We’ll fight when it’s hard, we won’t bow to social pressure, we refuse to lose, we refuse to go away. People want to be around that kind of mentality, and for good reason, because if someone screws with our friends, we’ll react much the same way. We won’t abandon people. That kind of loyalty and kinship makes us more than just your average writer with disposable books, it make us a cause. And our cause is to fight this garbage outrage culture is win.
In conclusion, if you come under similar attack, fight. I’m here to help you. All of the names I listed above will help you as well. You can ask us questions and we’ll do our best for you. Reach out to us. We know how to do it. We know how to win. We’ll help you make your business great again.
In my book, The Blood of Giants, Zaira von Monocle travels to a strange continent where she faces off against savage jungle warriors. You can check it out here and support the cause with good fiction where I refuse to censor myself or my ideas.
I’m never being attacked by SJW. If the come at me I will have one reply to them YouTube video.
This is my reply to SJW’s