One of the scariest government reaches ever has just occurred in our nation. You won’t find it in right wing or libertarian news outlets because they’re so panicked about being labeled “anti-vaxx” that they can’t even go out and tell the truth. It’s yet another example of why our media fails so much to counter The Narrative, but that’s another blog topic.
Rockland County has in effect declared Martial Law on its citizens because of the measles. The media is calling it an “unprecedented move” as it’s banning children from public places.
Something smells fishy here.
First, if vaccines worked so well and they made us all immune, why should we be panicked about someone having it?
The whole claim is that this ends the disease and we have to therefore inject tons of dead viruses into our body in order to have a healthy society. It seems counterintuitive that we should then be scared of the same disease we were told we eradicated.
The truth is, most outbreaks of measles and mumps happen to VACCINATED people. So it appears whatever vaccine is being used is not all that effective. For outbreaks to be a big problem, this would have to be the case, and it means all the shutting down discussion on any vaccine topic by shaming anyone trying to discuss it seems to have a deeper purpose.
Second, how many people constitutes an “outbreak?” We’re told it’s only 150 cases in the last year or so. How many people have it now? 154 over an entire year spread out could mean as little as 4-5 people have the disease.
And yet they declared martial law.
I mean “a state of emergency” because we don’t like the term martial law. That’s not palatable to the populace. Please inject yourself again if you have bad thoughts about this.
It’s very similar to government overreach in New Zealand based on one shooting–they’re grabbing all of the populace’s AR-15 rifles.
This is a very scary move, and as NBC says, unprecedented. The government is wont to declare martial law over something very small, banning members of the public from certain places. I can’t imagine how this will be used next, and the implications are very frightening.
On the vaccine end, the discussions need to be had. Is every vaccine effective? Is putting them all together in a cocktail healthy for children? Or is there something else at play? Are these used for something else, like creating a populace who ARE chronically diseased all the time and further dependent on the government healthcare?
Our own president said it: “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM. Many such cases!”
I’ve yet to see him be wrong.
Please vaccinate yourself from mainstream entertainment by backing my Kickstarter, Flying Sparks Volume 2! This is the alternative to the garbage being pedaled by us by Hollywood and the comic industry. Readers call volume 1 “the best indie comic of 2018”. It’s very close to funding and needs your support!
The outbreak started when seven travelers entered the area. Where were they from?
Apparently from Israel and/or the Ukraine.
https :// http://www.cnbc. com/2019/03/27/rockland-county-bans-unvaccinated-minors-in-public-as-measles-spreads.html
//Is every vaccine effective?//
The effectiveness of vaccines is variable. Why? Because it depends on viruses being targetted. Influenza vaccines are an obvious example. There are many strains of flu and changes to flu strains every year. Plenty of easy to read medical websites where you can read about this Jon.
//Is putting them all together in a cocktail healthy for children? //
Putting them ALL together in a cocktail? If you literally mean every single vaccine altogether then no, that’s not a smart idea, which is why that’s not what happens. Putting for example measles, mumps and rubella together into a single shot? Yes, that’s a healthy and sensible option for children because: 1. it’s one less trip to a medical centre and 2. it’s one less jab in your arm.
If you haven’t had an MMR, I’d recommend it. I had one this year because I’m travelling and there seems to be a lots of measles going round.
//Or is there something else at play?//
No there isn’t something else at play.
//Are these used for something else, like creating a populace who ARE chronically diseased all the time and further dependent on the government healthcare?//
Aside from the size of the conspiracy involved (including doctors, nurses and scientists across the whole world and for hundreds of years) it’s an absurdly complex way of ensuring a chronically sick population. There is a much, much cheaper way of ensuring a chronically sick population which the government would EVEN MAKE A PROFIT from….
But in your conspiracy theory the government instead of just doing nothing other than levy a few taxes on ciggies, instead tries to restrict smoking and instead engage in a multi-generational, vast international conspiracy to fake-vaccinate people…because…why exactly? You’re a writer Jon, this doesn’t even work as a plot line never mind as a serious medical hypothesis.
//Our own president said it: “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM. Many such cases!”//
I would no more recommend you take medical advice from Donald Trump than I would recommend studying at his “university”. Vaccines don’t cause autism.
Meanwhile anti-vaccine nonsense has helped brought measles back. Is that what “Make America Great Again” was all about? Bringing back the diseases of yesteryear?
Sigh, oh big sigh.
Jon, you are so ignorant about vaccines that I don’t even know where to start. And it’s probably not worth trying to educate you at all, because you are so notoriously resistant to knowledge. For now, suffice it to say that the higher the percentage of the population that gets vaccinated, the better the protection will be. No protection is 100%, but almost any protection is better than none at all.
And when you declare “It seems counterintuitive that we should then be scared of the same disease we were told we eradicated” I just have to give a big laugh.
You have never been told that most viral diseases have been eradicated, because only ONE virus has ever been completely eradicated so far — smallpox.
Feel free to skip the smallpox vaccine, okay?
“Second, how many people constitutes an “outbreak?” We’re told it’s only 150 cases in the last year or so. ”
Jon, do you have any idea how many people in the US caught measles before vaccines came around?
Answer: FOUR MILLION EVERY YEAR. 48,000 of those people were hospitalized, 4,000 got encephalitis, and about 500 died. Every year. You want to start adding up the costs of all those hospitalizations, the complications, the long term consequences, the deaths?
And that’s just ONE of the diseases we vaccinate for.
Personal anecdote: As it happens, I caught mumps a year before the vaccine became available. I was terribly sick — even though I was only 3 at the time, that’s one of my childhood memories — having a pot to throw up in beside my bed. And I gave mumps to my father. Do you know what mumps does to adult men? Go look it up. And then tell us all whether you’d rather get the vaccine or get the mumps.
“I’ve yet to see him be wrong.”
He contradicts himself frequently, and he’s a compulsive liar to boot.
Really weird seeing someone with a clear case of autism spreg out in favor of vaccines. It’s a crazy world.
Your response is very telling, and not in the way you might like to think.
The Secret King wins again!
Oh, P.S. —
“The truth is, most outbreaks of measles and mumps happen to VACCINATED people. ”
This is a nonsensical claim.
For instance, in the Rockland case, 81.6% of the confirmed cases have had no vaccinations at all, and an additional 4.1% have had only one shot (a series is needed to build good immunity).
https :// vaxopedia .org/2019/02/01/what-do-we-know-about-the-rockland-county-measles-outbreak/
Welcome to the real world.
And yes, sometimes people who have been completely vaccinated do get the disease they were vaccinated against. That can happen for various reasons — old or poorly stored vaccines, an immune deficiency, a vaccine that protects against a different strain of the virus, and so on. Nothing in life is 100% certain. Just as locks on your doors don’t always keep burglars out — but you still lock your doors, don’t you?
So glad to see the pro-vaxxers haven’t had anything go wrong with a loved one or pet. Why aren’t these diseases eradicated if vaccination works? Why isn’t anyone worried about vaccinating newly-arrived immigrants (in whatever form) but only our citizenry–and by force? If vaccines work, why are you worried about unvaccinated people? Shouldn’t un-vaxxed people be the only ones at risk? Take a look at the ingredients in these “safe” and “effective” vaccines. I’ve lost 2 pets to over-vaccination; titer tests showing their immunity for life was NOT even taken into account for the health of the pets…they MUST be vaccinated agains rabies even though they have immunity! Pro-vaxxers need to do their homework. We’ve done ours. Let the PEOPLE decide if they’re shot up or not, not Government, Inc.
@Susan —
“So glad to see the pro-vaxxers haven’t had anything go wrong with a loved one or pet.”
So glad to see the anti-vaxxers haven’t had anything go wrong with a loved one or pet.
“Why aren’t these diseases eradicated if vaccination works?”
Why isn’t theft eradicated if locks work?
Seriously, do you even listen to yourself?
“Why isn’t anyone worried about vaccinating newly-arrived immigrants”
Who says nobody is worried about it? Doing so would be a great idea.
“If vaccines work, why are you worried about unvaccinated people?”
Because, just like locks, no protection is 100% effective. That doesn’t mean you go around leaving your doors unlocked.
And because we have to pay for all those sick unvaccinated people just the same as we pay for any sick vaccinated people.
I’ve seen animals die of tetanus. I’ve seen animals die of distemper and parvo. I’ve seen animals die of FeLV and FIV. Heck, I’ve seen animals die of calicivirus. All because nobody vaccinated them.
You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading such harmful lies about vaccines.
What an intelligent response to being thoroughly owned.