We are really close too the end of the Flying Sparks campaign! Right now we’re sitting at a point where everyone’s getting so many indie comics from the community it’s such a great value.
But there’s more immediate stretch goals that are obtainable. This needs to be pushed over the top!
First up is back cover art by Gary Shipman. I’ll get that colored and add that in.
Next is a Meta-Girl: Origins story that’s 6 pages additional Flying Sparks content all backers will receive. Here’s a preview of the first page:
It’s a fun story that shows Meta-Girl’s early work with Professor Fitch. Readers asked me for the origin so I wanted to deliver!
You can back here. There is NO in-demand afterward on Kickstarter so make sure to come in and back now!
But it will be available to buy afterward from Dark Legion, right? (Still backing tho)
{Insert triumphant trumpet solo}