Everyone is outraged! Outraged I tell you! Get mad, get a mob, let’s go!
It’s pretty standard par for the course. I first noticed it in the stodgy convention scene of science fiction, literally a place that’s supposed to be a gathering of fans and pros to have fun, kick back and get trashed at the convention bar or party floor on the weekend.
The scene got mired in identity politics, and pretty soon, no fun was allowed to be had. Everything was serious. Everything was complaining about race or gender. Who would want to be around that serious shit we’re trying to escape from, when we’re getting together to yell at each other about whether Kirk or Han Solo were cooler?
It comes down to people in culture want to be the fun police. You’re not allowed to have this type of fun. You must only check this box. You must be PROFESSIONAL.
“You’re not allowed to say ______ or I’m not buying your books!”
“You’re not allowed to write about _____ or I’m going to unfriend you!”
The beauty of independent publishing is that I got away from all of that and don’t have to care. There is no corporate establishment toning me or my work down. There’s no sensitivity readers saying “well acktually to me…” And the people trying to do that now, are trying to enforce that exact same GroupThought but while claiming they’re good conservatives.
We’re told over and over that it’s the only way. That we must conform.
I make a lot of people mad cuz I prove that’s bullshit.
I really don’t bother anyone in anything I do. I just post what I want, I say what I want, I don’t filter myself so you get the real deal,
It’s always been my theme here, fighting back against censors. Being authentic. Being FUN above all else.
And that’s why my books and I resonate.
You can defeat these people by not toning down, not allowing this PC Culture into your culture — whether left or right. Don’t care about the norm. Did they miss when I proclaimed “normies get out!” from the rooftops?
That’s how you can be the best artist you can be.
I can’t wait for them to try to shut down my next graphic novel cuz it’s “not allowed”
Someone call the fun police!
While you’re waiting for Dynamite Thor to drop, if you like fun, make sure to get in on Flying Sparks Volume 2 while it’s still available. I make jokes in the book that aren’t allowed in modern comics as well. No one tells me what to write:
“It comes down to people in culture want to be the fun police. You’re not allowed to have this type of fun. You must only check this box. You must be PROFESSIONAL“
Says the guy who felt compelled to rant about people daring to clap in movie theaters.
Your complete lack of self-awareness is truly impressive.
Jon thinks if you’re not having fun at somebody else’s expense, you’re not having fun at all.
Sad, but apparently true!
Only at Mike Glyer’s expense.
Guess again.
“Commence Operation: Troll the Shit Out of SJW Sci-Fi Authors on Twitter. If you want to participate, ping me. I’ll start a chat.”
The internet never forgets.
So what was that about and what did I do? Retard.
Thanks for proving Mike’s point yet again, Jon.