Had a great discussion with Morgan Busse on the lunch stream yesterday about writing as a Christian writer.
So many of us move into this space where it seems like we’re supposed to write super cheesy stuff in order to get our Christian message across. But the message of Christ is anything but cheesy. Have you read the Bible? It’s got action, it’s got sex, it’s got darkness, it’s got light, but it also has the message oof hope of deliverance from our sins if we just give ourselves to God.
And that’s the type of thing we have to capture with effective fiction as Christians. The truth and the light while presenting our work in a realistic manner.
But we shouldn’t fall into the world’s trap of telling us to be “apolitical” or “not religious.” That’s Satan talking to us so we can’t get our message out while the enemy pushes his message all of the time, in every medium, through our wicked entertainment industry.
It comes down to perfecting and mastering the craft and not being lazy about it.
If you want to see how good fiction is done which can have some elements of truth yet maintain their fun, read Make Science Fiction Fun Again, my short fiction collection with a vast array of different stories. Many of those show you exactly how it’s supposed to be done with striking the balance.
As long as we are espousing proper, Judaeo-Christian values eh? Hahaha