It’s a law that SJWs always double down. Well, Marvel has decided to take their identity politics to the next level:
Not only is Ms. Marvel a Muslim woman… now so is CAPTAIN BRITAIN. That’s quite a bold statement about the UK… but so much more woke is done in this panel as not only is she a Dr. to signal how much smarter and more cultured and better than you she is…
She’s breaking through “A wall” and apologizing to the Americans about it. And of course, she lets them all know how she’s the religion of peace as she does her property damage.
So stunning. So brave.
We thought that CB Cebulski was toning this stuff down, but it appears Marvel has gone off the deep end again. I can’t wait for the Captain Britain movie where they also reveal she’s a transgender lesibian.
But you don’t have to read this crap anymore. There’s an alternative. If you want old school superhero fun like you used to have from Marvel and DC before they got woke, read Flying Sparks. It’s available through Backerkit. Volume 2 will be shipping in July. You can also get volume 1. Buy it now and support indie comics making a difference.
“not only is she a Dr. to signal how much smarter and more cultured and better than you she is…”
Serious question here: why does it bother you to have a female superhero be a doctor? Did Dr. Bruce Banner, Dr. Strange, Dr. Reed Richards, Professor Xavier, or other male doctor characters also bother you?
I think he’s offended that she claims to be a doctor (likely she has faked lesser credentials), but apparently can’t grasp simple concepts like the “wall thing”. Embarrassing slip up.
“I think he’s offended that she claims to be a doctor (likely she has faked lesser credentials), but apparently can’t grasp simple concepts like the “wall thing”.”
But Jon said it was because they were “signal(ling) how much smarter and more cultured and better than you she is…”
Was Jon lying?
And why would you accuse a character of faking credentials? Would you accuse a male superhero character of doing that?
P.S. I just looked up her character bio. She was actually created way back in 2008. And she was a practicing medical doctor before she ever became a superhero. She became “super” during a Skrull attack while she was treating injured people on the battlefield.
Any other questions about her legitimacy?
You never answered the first. How is a so-called doctor confused about walls. And yes Jon is correct, signaling your intelligence by falsely using the title doctor fits The Narrative. Journalists, scientist, etc… They are fakes and have no authority.
It can be called Smockman’s Law: Partisanship is inversely related to authority. Female Muslim superhero created “way back in 2008” (for year zero alt left this is 5 years after the Iraq war invasion) is obviously a partisan tool to fool the rubes. Why are you fooled? Oh.
It is like how the alt left tries to signal their virtue despite being pure evil.
“You never answered the first. How is a so-called doctor confused about walls.”
It’s a comic book, for heaven’s sake. Dumb dialogue is de rigueur.
“And yes Jon is correct, signaling your intelligence by falsely using the title doctor fits The Narrative.”
What is this “falsely”? As I already pointed out, the character was a medical doctor on a battlefield before coming super.
Would you accuse any of those male super doctors I mentioned earlier of using their titles falsely?
“Female Muslim superhero created “way back in 2008” (for year zero alt left this is 5 years after the Iraq war invasion) is obviously a partisan tool to fool the rubes.”
Except that Jon is using an 11-year-old character to claim that Marvel is **now** “doubling down on crazy” and that “it appears Marvel has gone off the deep end again”. Jon is years and years behind the times.
I suppose that shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, so many of his ideas come from the Dark Ages. 😉
Contrarius, I’ve noticed it seems to bother you a lot when things bother Jon.
Mmmmmm, depends.
Most often, the hypocrisy amuses me.
Sometimes, I’m offended that someone has the gall to lie so blatantly and proudly.
Sometimes, I’m surprised that someone can actually be stupid enough to believe such idiocy.
And in all those cases, I’m concerned that other people might actually be bamboozled by Jon’s bull.
So, yeah. I guess “bothered” is an apt enough way to describe my various reactions. I don’t think I’m much of an outlier in those reactions — I’m mostly just an outlier in my willingness to be a loudmouth about it. 😉
Congratulations Jon, you have your very own Gamma follower.
The most amusing thing about Capt Britain is that she was able to break through “UNBREAKABLE POLYCARBONATE!”
btw, Jon, congrats on doing such a great job of keeping current on the comics you’ve chosen to rant about.
I just noticed that the comic page you posted is from an issue published **four years ago**.
https ://thecaptainbritainblog.wordpress .com/2015/07/15/captain-britain-and-the-mighty-defenders-if-you-only-buy-one-secret-wars-comic-make-sure-its-this-one/
Dumb dialogue is de rigueur in comics. Ummmmm
It’s quite regrettable that too many English comic book readers are subjected to poor writing and inane dialogue You don’t come across bad dialogue in French or Spanish comics
Guess it’s a matter of respect.
Re: respect.
Good point. Maybe the author has no respect for even the characterS. The writer is giving a wink and a nod to the audience. “Of course she is fake and lame” This happened a lot with the new black girl iron man. In that case, well done author.
“Dumb dialogue is de rigueur in comics. Ummmmm
Ummmm, yes.
Have you forgotten that we’re talking about comics in English?
So you”re a patronizing twit who regards fellow English speaking readers as unworthy of good dialogue and writing?
You’ve just highlighted why I don”t read English language comics- at least the mainstream pro stuff.
And that you think so little of English language comic book readers.
See my response below, under your duplicate post. 😉
I never understood why these creators don’t just create new characters fitting the demographics they want in their comics:
Possible Reasons:
– Deliberate subversion
– Lack of creativity and talent
– Orders from the top
Have Muslim female doctor super-powerful characters. Go for it. It’s a free country. A deeper problem is that the big two (Marvel and DC) haven’t created memorable BRAND NEW characters for quite some time.
This is just one man’s opinion.
Also: Why is Spider-Man wearing a smock? Is that even Spider-Man?
“I never understood why these creators don’t just create new characters fitting the demographics they want in their comics:”
Careful — you guys are showing off your ignorance again.
Faiza Hussain WAS a new character — starting way back in 2008 — eventually given the codename Excalibur. She only took on the role of Captain Britain temporarily — **four years ago**.
Google is your friend!
“Also: Why is Spider-Man wearing a smock? Is that even Spider-Man?”
Something about multiverse stories. Faiza Hussain is apparently from Earth-616, which I know nothing about.
Amazing, truly amazing.
With the demise of “L’il Abner”, we thought the Schmoos were gone. One remained. Contrarius.
Now listen carefully:
“Now listen carefully:
Ummmm…. “turnip” to you too, I guess?
So you”re a patronizing twit who regards fellow English speaking readers as unworthy of good dialogue and writing?
You’ve just highlighted why I don”t read English language comics- at least the mainstream pro stuff.
And that you think so little of English language comic book readers.
“So you”re a patronizing twit who regards fellow English speaking readers as unworthy of good dialogue and writing?”
So you’re a patronizing twit who thinks that dumb dialogue can’t be fun?
Go read some of that “old school superhero fun” that Jon gushes about, and **then** try telling me that those old comics weren’t full of dumb dialogue.
Seriously, take a deep cleansing breath or two. Comics don’t have to pass “highbrow littratchur” purity tests to be enjoyable. Relax and try to have a little fun once in a while!
Comic book dialogue doesn’t to be literature but it can’t be so dumb that it’s a turn off.
So I won’t buy comics with dumb dialogue.
“Comic book dialogue doesn’t to be literature but it can’t be so dumb that it’s a turn off.”
And why do you presume to judge what is or is not a “turn off” for someone else?
Please stop trying to tell other people they’re having wrongfun.