Back in the day, degenerate cancer used to be confined to White Wolf games — namely World of Darkness.
Believe it or not, I used to GM a massive roleplaying chat of New World of Darkness. The shit I saw people roleplaying made me want to vomit.
We had to ban someone because they were going around in Mage using the different magic to turn other player characters into cats, and then using life magic to “force ejaculation”.
I mean what the hell? I was just trying to run a game of secret societies and taking down monsters and people do this weird, creepy, depraved sexual shit with it.
I didn’t see much of that in other RPGs. Deadlands, D&D, L5R, Pathfinder, Star Wars… the stuff i generally played was safe from that after my White Wolf experience (I never went back to that game). But then when you look into Vampire with their different powers too, it’s all about creepy weird shit. I don’t know how I overlooked it in the source material. Once you see it though, you can’t unsee it.
But now, Monte Cooke games has standardized SJW triggered culture, making a checklist of all sorts of depraved shit so that a GM can know what triggers you or not. It’s here:
A consent checklist? I was just here to throw a magic missile at some kobolds. What the hell is this stuff?
Explicit sex? Racism? Aren’t we all racist against elves? What the shit is this shit?
If you need something like this to play a game, not only are you the biggest depraved pussy on the planet, but if a GM is doing some of the creepier stuff in this, then that person likely is a mentally-deranged sociopath who you should be RUNNING AWAY from.
Bottom line is, if someone pulls out this checklist at a gaming table unironcially, run FAR FAR away.
Evil things happen, and we need good people to fight them. That’s why I wrote Justified: Saga of the Nano Templar. It’s about standing up for objective truth, standing against depravity and evil, doing right for God and your fellow brothers. Read it this weekend. It’s much better than these “popular” RPGs.
Sleep is a much better 1st level spell to use on kobolds than Magic Missile.
But seriously, if a game about going into dark, dangerous places and fighting horrible monsters that do horrible things is going to hurt you… don’t play.
If a GM does something or goes too far on something that offends you… leave the table.
Why is this so hard?
What’s “hard” is that doing so requires the person to take responsibility for their own actions, which is contrary to one of the primary goals of “social justice”, namely not having to accept responsibility for anything, ever.
If it wasn’t written in a “I’m the player, and these are the things the DM and other players have to avoid for my sake” way and was instead “I’m the DM, here’s the kinds of story beats I want to explore” it’d be great for convention scenes where the DM only has three (more like two) days to tell any story anyways. You don’t like the themes this DM wants to explore? Then move along until you find a DM that fits you.
Not disagreeing, but I was seeing bizarre and grotesque behavior in RPG groups 30+ years ago. Given the disinhibiting effects we see when the Internet combines anonymity with a captive audience, I’m a little surprised you haven’t seen more.
And yeah, the White Wolf RPG stuff from the 1990s was grimderp and nihilistic to the point of being self-parody, and didn’t age well. It probably helped to watch George Hamilton in “Love at First Bite” and Michael Landon in “I was a Teenage Werewolf” before reading, of course, to set just the right tone for the night’s “Monster Squad: the RPG” session.
See, nerds are contrarians. In the relatively optimistic, affluent decade or two before 9/11, nerds wanted the Apocalypse in their pen-and-paper RPGs and gritty grimdark comics. They wanted heavy metal cyberpunk dystopias and morally ambiguous giant robot Armageddon in their tabletop gaming and their Japanese animation.
Now that things are dystopian enough that even the normies have twigged to it and are trying for catharsis with zombie and vampire movie marathons (note that a popculture obsession with the undead always means in the US that people are absolutely terrified of the future–remember the 70s?), nerds are clinging to their cartoons with talking pastel colored ponies and their totes-adorbs slice-of-life anime about middle school girls and high-fantasy MMORPGs–the exact sort of thing they mocked as “escape fantasy” material not so long ago. Just like nerds in the 70s playing D&D while popculture was stuck on an endless loop of zombies/nuclear apocalypse/environmental collapse despair porn..
Why are you so outraged at the idea of a Game Master trying to be considerate of their payers? Heaven forbid someone actually care about another human being and want to avoid reminding them of traumatic experiences. How dare the game master try to make a game that everyone can enjoy. Grow the fuck up.
I might be a little late. All I wanted to say is: I just found a great use for the chart (and it does involve traumatizing my players’ characters).
“But now, Monte Cooke games has standardized SJW triggered culture, making a checklist of all sorts of depraved shit so that a GM can know what triggers you or not. It’s here:” So making sure no one has any issues of a bad thing? Oh and you give no evidence of any of this in any games. Many people play these games in many different ways, so using sjw a a slur against covering bases is sad.
“If you need something like this to play a game, not only are you the biggest depraved pussy on the planet, but if a GM is doing some of the creepier stuff in this, then that person likely is a mentally-deranged sociopath who you should be RUNNING AWAY from.
Bottom line is, if someone pulls out this checklist at a gaming table unironcially, run FAR FAR away.”
Huh? Are you trying to have your cake or eat it too? I doubt sjws would want to do anything too depraved like you claim…
“Evil things happen, and we need good people to fight them. That’s why I wrote Justified: Saga of the Nano Templar. It’s about standing up for objective truth, standing against depravity and evil, doing right for God and your fellow brothers. Read it this weekend. It’s much better than these “popular” RPGs. ”
Ok, so its because you want to hock your crap, and need to take the moral high ground as a marketing tactic. Every RPG will have “that guy”