Over the last few years, we’ve had a number of starts and stops of movements because grifters came in to make something about themselves rather than about the goal, which is to further the culture and change it so we are on equal footing with the elite-controlled left.
The same situations happen over and over, whether it’s someone who desperately wants an award to be considered a “real author” or someone who spends a year plus to make a single comic book while claiming to be the industry savior. There are similar tell-tale signs to show this shouldn’t be the person you put your faith in:
- The refusal to fight the left. – With this type, they won’t fight the left. You’ll notice a propensity to want to stay “apolitical” or for them to hobnob with their leftist establishment friends in the industry to show they’re “really one of them” and “better than those evil types you always go on about”. They love to appeal to the left.
- Attacking people who are “extreme right”. – They always make the claim their enemies on the right are just “extreme” or “don’t use the right tactics”. It’s a play to try to show how centrist they are.
- Concern about “Muh Brand” first. – There’s a narcissistic view that everyone’s watching them and their brand might be “hurt” by associations or someone seeing something, or liking or not liking a certain social media post. In reality, social media matters little, but this type always thinks it’s the whole world, much like a high school girl.
- Never willing to sacrifice for the movement. – Movements have ups and downs. There are painful parts where you’ll have to take major risks which might lead to a drop in sales. The fake right will always be their personal sales first, no matter what the cost to the movement. Often, they will undermine the movement intentionally as they’re trying to hoard a piece of what they perceive to be a shrinking pie, instead of trying to grow the movement.
- Mob Group-Think. – If they sniff a mob’s going the certain way, the fake rightist will migrate with that mob. Comics aren’t hot anymore? Let’s talk about anime instead and rile up something there. All my friends are blocking and talking trash about this one guy? I’d better do it too!
- Shirking Responsibilities of Leadership. – The fake rightist will almost always claim they’re not a leader, while simultaneously act like everyone should be following them as leaders. This is a tactic to not have to deal with any negative blowback while only reaping the positive. It’s pure cowardice.
- Running away when the going gets tough – The fake rightist will almost always abandon their own movement when things get too hot on the cultural level. Rather than ride the storm and try to fight the pressure of the cultural elites, they want to hide from any potential blowback to their brand. The cultural elites like to prop them up as leaders because they know their enemies will be weak and they can declare victory more easily because of this.
- Desire to keep the status quo. – They don’t want change. They make MONEY off the fact that there’s problems. The last thing these people want is a solution because then they’d have nothing to bitch about. In fact, they’ll lash out at people who are making progress toward solutions every time.
- A deep-seated desire to get back with the establishment. – Their motivations at the end of the day are to be respected by the establishment. They have a mentality where “if they just see how successful I am they WILL accept me.” You’ll see them subsequently bloviate about “not being a real author” or how if X Publisher would only see how well they’re doing… maybe they’ll take them back. At the end of the day, the fake rightist wants acceptance from the establishment, they never came to topple the establishment. Even though these are generally people who made their brands bucking the establishment, all they want is that validation. Weaklings.
These signs happen almost every time we have a fake leader nominated for the right’s cultural rebellions. When you see these happening, you can be sure that the movement is going the wrong direction, and the so-called leaders you’re expecting to move us forward, are actually doing anything they can to dig their feet in the mud and not help the movement.
It’s about them, always. Their award. Their campaign (or 6th campaign of the same thing). It’s never about the work, it’s never about accomplishing anything. Nor is it about lifting anyone else up. You’ll note these types always tend to fall into cliques, and any time anyone new starts to rise up, they try to tear that person down out of a perceived power loss to their clique. It’s ugly politics at its core, on a micro-level, and because the right keeps falling for it every time we have any movement in culture — we always end up losing.
Back your real leaders today.
I’ve got 4 days left on my campaign which is the real industry change in comics. Great stories just like you wanted. No SJW BS. Books regularly and on time with great story, great characters, everything you asked for when we started this comic movement.
Get Flying Sparks volume 3 now!
I think this is a useful checklist, but you seem to be applying it backwards.
“1. Refusal to fight the left.”
It’s all Right to take a break from the fight, or decline to engage on any particular battlefield. Those folks who insist on carrying on the fight 24/7, in every venue? they’re called “Leftists”.
“3. Attacking people who are ‘extreme right’.”
Niven’s Law #16: “There is no cause so noble it won’t attract fuggheads.” If someone’s using evil tactics, he doesn’t get a pass because he claims to be on my side.
And any idea can be taken to an extreme that’s insane and/or evil. Those folks who preach “No enemies to the extreme”? they’re called “Leftists”.
“3. Concern about ‘Muh Brand’ first.
“4. Never willing to sacrifice for the movement.”
Those folks who insist the Cause demands that I make sacrifices at their discretion (rather than what my own honor requires)? they’re called “Leftists”.
“5. Mob Group-Think.”
This one isn’t wrong.
“6. Shirking Responsibilities of Leadership.”
So what if you have previously agreed with me and followed my lead—you’re a free man and are welcome to go your own way at any time. And I too am a free man, and you have no claims on me.
Those folks who cry, “Lead! Lead! (but let us set the direction)”? they’re called “Leftists”.
“7. Running away when the going gets tough.”
Cowardice (if it’s that—see above re. the right to choose one’s battles) is a moral failing, but does not define a “fake right”.
“8. Desire to keep the status quo.”
A bias toward the status quo, or at least the status quo ante, is a hallmarks of the Right. Those folks who want to overturn everything to usher in a Brave New World? they’re called “Leftists”.
“9. A deep-seated desire to get back with the establishment.”
That one’s fair, assuming you can read the other guy’s intentions.
“Back your real leaders today.”
Those folks who insist my “real leaders” are their choice not mine? they’re called “Leftists”.
Addendum to #9: Those folks who claim to know my intentions better than I do myself? they’re called “Leftists”.