Is it any coincidence that the Twitter police come after me in the last 2 days of my Kickstarter campaign?
The first time I ran Flying Sparks, they mass reported me because an editor from Tor Books was attacking me because I said I was a #1 bestseller (something objectively true) and she harassed me to claim I’m not.
This time, because I was making a statement about the new environmental golden child, the swedish girl who I don’t even remember her name but she’s on the news for her radical enviro agenda, they suspend me for 7 days again.
Right as my campaign’s about to close.
It’s like they target me at the most inopportune times in order to interfere with people being able to read my books.
I need your help to get the word out this last 48 hours. We need to make sure people can see flying sparks since I cannot promote it to my 5,700+ followers any longer.
Please back. Please share. Let folk know that I’m suspended and it’s suspect in timing. Folk should be reading this book! Why are they scared of people reading my content?
Thanks so much! you’ve been so supportive so far and I really appreciate it. You’re the best readers anyone could ask for.
But Jon, you’re not allowed to criticize the Autistic Girl Messiah!