It’s been such a wild few weeks with my success of Justified: Saga of the Nano Templar, a book that has sold so insanely well I can hardly believe it.
And also the successful crowdfunding raising more than $15,000 for Flying Sparks volume 3!
We’re winning on all fronts, but something has been missing in my life, and that’s Diversity to go with my Comics.
I therefore am announcing that I have changed my youtube channel name to Diversity & Comics. It is effective immediately and I’m very excited to bring you great comic reviews and talks from here on out under this moniker.
And get Flying Sparks volume 3 on IndieGoGo if you missed it – I put it up on the platform for folk who might want to use IGG instead of Kickstarter. Back now!
Top shelf recycling, old boy. Waste not want not, eh? XD