Idolatry is the worship of a cult image or physical image in place of the worship of God.
It’s really easy to see in Star Wars fandom exactly how bad the idol worship is. Thousands of people make their entire identities around these movies — whether it’s youtube channels that endlessly talk about these 2 hour films, spending far more time preaching about them than the people who actually made the film spent working on it, or people on twitter or other sites.
The films are designed by a corporate board with merchandizing exactly to do this — to addict someone, to force them to consume their life on it. Star Wars video games, books, extra shows, star wars fresh oranges and star wars ovens for your kitchens (no joke), the marketing has been designed to make it all you ever think about.
And that’s when it becomes idolatry, when it’s consumed your life. When Star Wars and identifying with Star Wars is more important to you than identifying as a Christian. Can you imagine if people talked about their church services even 1/10th of the amount they talk about Star Wars? we might actually see a major change in society.
But we won’t. Because even when talking about how much they “hate it”, they are obsessing over it. They can’t let go of it. It’s like an addict needing that fix of heroin even though they know it’s bad for them.
People can’t get over it or “just do it in small doses.” It’s a societal epidemic where it’s really unhealthy, and the worst of these are those who identify with the hashtag #FandomMenace.
They have been duped into thinking they’re “fighting” when they’re pushing obsession over this brand to levels the disney marketing department could never dream of. It’s really concerning to watch, and more concerning to see how many people lash out when someone puts their hand up and says “hey, this isn’t healthy.”
But that’s the easy to tell sign of addiction. When someone says something and the cult piles on and loses their minds. It’s why someone needs to start saying it.
I may be alone right now, but these fandom obsessions are NOT HEALTHY. I know from experience. I’ve been there. I can only try to pass my wisdom on.
Break the habit by reading another book or watching another film. If you like laser sword action, you can read Justified. The more you diversify your interests, the less likely you’ll get caught up in something like this.
I used to be an absolute Star Wars fan. I knew the movie script by heart for a lot scenes. I would often use one-liners and quoted phrases from the films in everyday conversation with people. I watched the movies often every year and also read a majority of the Star Wars Expanded Universe novels written by the likes of Michael A. Stackpole, Timothy Zhan, K.W. Jeter, Kevin J. Anderson, R.A. Salvatore among many others (totaling to over 80 novels, if I can recall). I collected the action-figures, and played a majority of the Star Wars video games produced for PC and various console systems. However, as I grew in my relationship with God in Jesus Christ since 2012, I have grown to absolutely despise Star Wars and the hold it had in my heart and mind. I have to come to see it for what it is: a thing of this world– and we are commanded to love *not* the things of this world. I have come to deeply understand why we were asked by God to not love things of this world, and feel I have truly gained God’s perspective on the content and source of inspiration in Star Wars, among other productions of human imagination. I am sure many Star Wars fans think that the Star Wars universe is greater and more interesting than the universe and reality created by our true God in Jesus Christ. Looking back, I sure thought it was. If you asked them if they would want to live/exist in the Star Wars universe, I believe most would respond without hesitation with a resounding ‘YES’–not realizing that it is a universe void of God and full of glamorization and romanticization of a perpetually sin-tainted existence. I also later learned of the heavy influence of Gnosticism, the Gnostic ‘interpretations’ of Christianity–which came from Lucas’ interest in Joseph Campbell’s writings in comparative religion / religious and mythological literature–all of which debase Biblical Christianity down to just another mythos in the world among many others throughout human history. I threw all my Star Wars books, movies, games and other vanities in the trash and feel no nostalgia for any of it. Every day I am super excited about the real world-view, the true reality of being a child of God created by Jesus Christ at spiritual war with the ‘gods’ of this world as well as excitement for the things that God has prepared for those who love Him–they are beyond human understanding and anything the heart of man can imagine (including Star Wars). I know what it is to hate the things of this world and to have love of the Father, as well as the wisdom behind it. I direct all praise, power, ability in overcoming, and glory to Jesus Christ for pulling me out from darkness and into the light.