I’ve noticed a trend in a way a lot of these gamma male youtubers act, and Jeremy Hambly, aka The Quartering displays all of the exact same archetypes as every other instance where I’ve noted gamma male behavior toward me.
We’ll look at his social status first as a reference:
- Famous for playing magic the gathering into adulthood, a game infamous for low sociosexual status males gathering together as they’re not able to compete in regular societal activities like sports.
- He was kicked out of magic because his behavior creeped out the few women in those circles.
- He has a generally unkempt appearance to him.
If you look at his YouTube channel or Twitter, it’s constant picking at people and doing the classic “well acktually” elements to people who actually create culture. It’s the classic gamma male who can’t shut up, can’t stop, and has a little e-fame for his “hot takes” as he makes 3-4 videos every single day whining about culture he “wants destroyed” while simultaneously going out and buying more of the product he decries.
The gamma male cycle for the drama youtuber goes like this:
- Picks a fight with someone with a perceived smaller audience – Jeremy picked a fight with me over my expressing solidarity with his being attacked (which leads me to believe the “beef” with 2VS is fabricated for clicks, but that’s another story). They pick smaller audiences always because they want the “pile on” effect on social media to feel like they are loved by many. It’s pathetic.
- Goes ballistic with long rants – self-explanatory.
- Declares Victory – this is a fun one, as in his trying to get likes from fellow low-status males on twitter yesterday, he posted an archive link to my site here, bragging about how he “isn’t getting me clicks”. The Gamma Male loves to have an easy and meaningless victory to cluck to their fellow gammas. This site has zero advertising, so all he did was spread the signal of my article.
- Cry about being attacked – a couple of days goes by, no one pays attention to the context of things on twitter or youtube, so it’s easy to erase history and pretend that he was the one wronged at first. His followers, also gammas, are happy to signal tribe to get love and won’t actually look into situations. It creates a false sense of solidarity among internet accounts, replacing the real love and community of a real life which the gamma doesn’t have.
This’ll occur on repeat until the gamma goes onto the next instance, in which case he’ll do it again. And again. And again.
These drama youtube channels are all exactly the same. There’s no substance, they’re impossible to watch for any sane person, and they play to even lower status males than they are by making pointless attacks on everything that seems culturally relevant at the time.
But there’s a different way. We can change culture by not clicking on the nonsense, by paying attention to what matters. Share classic cultural works like Dynamite Thor, back it (we are very close to funding and need you!), have fun. There’s real counter-culture warriors out there, myself and my artist Donald Kent are among them. Back today.
The half quart is just endless spiderman pointing meme with everything he says now.
Yes haha