What a crazy week again.
It seems these old white women in science fiction will stop at nothing to make sure they have a monolithic undiverse environment as I’ve been targeted and harassed by a bay area convention again.
Here’s the email they sent:
The unfortunate part is that these groups are wising up to vocalizing the “reasons” behind any such bannings. When WorldCon pulled a similar stunt to try to censor and ban authors and books and keep ideas from being freely expressed in science fiction, they opened themselves up to libel by doing so.
FogCon, as foolish as they are for letting minority authors know their differing opinions from their groupthink will not be tolerated in an effort similar to Nazi Germany to try to stomp any dissent from the ranks and keep minorities proverbially enslaved, did have the wherewithal to make their email as nebulous as possible.
Under their own code of conduct rules, this is targeted harassment of me over identity, since this is unwanted communication singling me out because of my identity. It’s a violation of their own rules, which I’m sure they will not walk the walk and kick themselves out of the convention for being such harassing violators.
It’s more insidious this way because it leaves me little recourse to go after them for the hurt they cause to my business by not being allowed to go to local conventions and promote my banned books.
The one saving grace I have is I could go to the hotel where they’re located and broadcast in protest — in the tradition of a peaceful sit-in like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have done in his similar civil rights fight to mine.
Unfortunately, this time around, there’s a huge risk of CoronaVirus by attending FogCon. The risk is so high that their guest of honor bailed on the convention within minutes of them announcing their banning of me. Whether their GOH did so in solidarity for minority author rights or not and made this as a public excuse is unclear, but it does make attending FogCon a risky proposition if their own featured guests refuse to go.
I’ll be over here creating art as usual, getting out culture which is good and fun, like my Dynamite Thor, a revival of a 1950s superhero lost to time. Making comics and culture great again. Back now and support banned authors and books!
You’d think a con as small as they are, wouldn’t want to be excluding people.
Then again, maybe they were worried about you eclipsing their GOH’s… You do have a bigger fan base.
Oof. Well seeing as both of us aren’t coming…