Last night Ethan Van Sciver posted a strange message on facebook calling on all creators to never say anything divisive, don’t post on politics and religion, telling people that they’re only “important” if they’re celebrities.
Oh yeah, and don’t be religious.
This is exactly the message the controlling left has done to push our culture into this fake capitalism where they control every cultural outlet, are the only ones allowed to speak out, the reason that they’ve gotten to a point where they can dominate all entertainment media.
It’s laughable to see Ethan say not to be controversial, as he’s built his entire brand on shitting on other brands in a controversial manner. He has nothing other than that as he can’t even sell his products on its own merit without it.
But that’s another story.
The messaging here is dangerous. And since the only people that listen to Ethan are on the right BECAUSE OF his controversial opinions, it’s another destructive road where the right loses the culture war for the sake of making sure Ethan gets a few youtube bucks.
Artists cannot censor themselves, cannot live by these tenets if they wish to have a soul, if they wish to produce GREAT art, and if they wish to affect culture.
I’m currently reading about guitar ballads Fransico Sor made in the 1800s in an effort to boost the morale of Spanish troops against Napolean. Most of the populace didn’t listen to him, ignored him, he was forced to flee to England to continue producing his art (which is some of the greatest music ever produced). What would have happened if the Spanish would have rallied around the freedom of expression, the nationalism of their own people, instead of giving up? A true artist who wants to create something with meaning and longevity doesn’t shy away from expressing themselves completely.
Ethan wants creators to give up and dwell in this shallow and superficial land — which makes sense as most comics are completely shallow and superficial — but it’s not going to create anything lasting by the same token. He wants ComicsGate to bow down to what the left told the right in 2016-2018 – “Just shut up!” It’s how the left dominates culture completely.
I reject this message. One, because the false swansong of globalist consumerism is destructive to a healthy life. Two, because my God demands I shout his praises. And three, because I believe in a nationalist America and making it great again.
If a person won’t buy my great books because of those three reasons, at least I can know I did something important with my life rather than chickened out in the fight against real evil. ‘
My books are solidly about good vs. evil. I make real heroes, have real stories that matter. You can start Justified today and see a journey of faith and right against all odds. I bet you’ll love it even thought it’s “controversial.” Read today.
But Jon, you’re not controversial. You speak to eternal truth, give praises to our Father in Heaven, and call out garbage when you see it. I’m being 100% sincere with this . . . that’s not controversy. If these spuds want to make it into controversy, that’s all on them. Keep doing what you’re doing! Jesus said that if we honor His name, then He will honor us. Jesus vs EVS . . . hmmm . . . gonna have to go with my Savior on this one.