Once you see how deep the rot goes in culture, it’s something hard to unsee. And then the connections across elite spheres get even crazier once you do a little bit of digging into the situation.
The sci-fi publishing industry, at the top of their elite class has heavy ties to the deep state, and it all circles the drain around a pedophilia ring we’ve warned about for years.
A film group who made the movie, “An Open Secret” uncovered information that famed sci-fi author Isaac Asimov and Robert Mueller (famous for his harassment of the president) have a connection… and that connection is pedophilia.
Isaac’s son David Asmiov was caught with what was at the time, the largest child porn stash in the state’s history. I’d be shocked just knowing this hit so close to one of the “big three” of sci-fi, but having read Moira Greyland’s “The Last Closet” and seeing the first-hand account of how disgusting these people were at grooming and abusing children at conventions like WorldCon, I’m sadly no longer surprised to read about these incidents.
But where it gets crazier is the connection to deep state politics. Of course, deep state and cultural elites work hand in glove to try to push agendas through law and zeitgeist simultaneously, but it becomes so obvious how big the connections are when you do some digging.
When Asmiov was brought up on charges for the child porn and pedophilia, Robert Mueller gave him a PLEA DEAL to commute his sentence. The cultural elite was saved from years in prison for a very disgusting crime, because of the same person who tried to push the Russia Hoax into different territories of destroying everything in the Trump’s personal lives.
Here’s the documentation:
He pled guilty of “possession of material containing child pornography,” even though he had THOUSANDS of images, which only resulted in 36 months probation. Thanks Mueller!
The elites don’t play by the same rules as the rest of us. They push hard into degeneracy on levels which we can hardly comprehend, and they do not suffer the consequences the general public would — because they are protected at the HIGHEST of levels.
There’s so many rumors surrounding Arthur C. Clarke as well, and his strange move to Sri Lanka, where there apparently were not laws, or less stringent ones about children.
Seeing all of this and their proclivities is maddening. We have to protect our children, we have to change the culture, we can’t sit around idly while these people remain in charge of everything.
This is why we must fight, why we must produce culture of our own which doesn’t have this dark cloud of child rape surrounding it. This is why I make my own stories regularly. We need to support and build a new culture and detach ourselves from the ugliness of the elites.
My new book Colony Launch comes out tomorrow — preorder here on Amazon. Change the culture together.
And makes wonder about the British connection in relation to the Muslim rape gangs. The ones that preyed on the vulnerable working class girls with the full support of the establishment..