For the last several days, every major youtuber from ComicsGate has been high fiving as if Kickstarter somehow is going to go away and IndieGoGo will be the greatest crowdfund site of all time. They’ve built up a narrative over the last two plus years that Kickstarter is “SJW” and IndieGoGo is “good” to try to force everyone involved around them onto IndieGoGo.
We’ve gone over why this isn’t true, not that Kickstarter is “good” on their pandering to Social Justice, but that BOTH companies are equally as bad about it — IndieGoGo is a San Francisco based tech company, after all. What do you think they stand for?
Much like their narratives about the relative purities of the corporations are false, Kickstarter is not undergoing anything different than what IndieGoGo and Patreon, sites which both focus on building funds for arts and others and both push social justice.
Let’s get the facts out of the way.
Yes, Kickstarter laid off 40% of its staff as they’ve undergone financial crisis with COVID as MANY other companies have done. Yes, this included their arbiter of social justice, Camilla Zhang, who was one of the cringiest proponents of SJW-isms out there.
What they fail to report is IndieGoGo had similar wholesale firings, layoffs, and replacements of their staff last year. It’s because these companies get bloated and don’t focus on their core business, yes, but once again, Kickstarter is not going through anything IndieGoGo is not. Patreon, likewise, has gone through extensive layoffs, and even had a period where they were holding payments to creators because they were behind on their funds.
What this does on Kickstarter’s part is lean them out and get RID of the awful influence by Zhang. It means Kickstarter is going to be a better site going forward — for now.
All of these companies have bloat because the corporate structure of America is a trainwreck at this juncture. Vox Day covers this information extensively on how the rot occurs in his book, Corporate Cancer. It’s an issue with ALL corporations because the infiltration by Social Justice proponents who have no care for what the corporation’s actually trying to do stick their fingers into EVERYTHING.
The problem is, the masses go to youtube channels, hear the narratives from know-nothing youtubers who don’t look into the full extent of the rot, the root of problems, but are engaged in petty, surface level tribalism themselves to try to create false Narrative just like the SJWs do. There is a deeper battle going on, and going “ha ha Kickstarter go brrrrr!” is not leading people to the truth of the larger picture, because their solution they present is “Go to IndieGoGo!”
All of these companies have the same mantra. All of them the same cancer. This goes down the line to YouTube itself where these guys spew the nonsense, Twitter where they make their platforms big, Amazon where we all buy most of our goods at this point.
Be aware of the larger issue, know that Kickstarter is not going bankrupt or going to be gone any time soon. That is the place where most REAL comics get funded, where IGG is now relegated mostly to amatuer-ish wannabe comicsgaters since most other creators don’t want to be associated with those books cuz of their antics.
Great analysis. 2 kale cookies.
Very informative. I knew nothing about about Kickstarter or its competitors, but now I feel I at least know a little.
Thanks Nissa!
Another way to look at it is Kickstarter is a network. Its value is in the network of people it can bring to the table. And for a while now, they (and this is not exclusive to Kickstarter) have waged war against their own network.
Technology isn’t their strong suit. Everything that Kickstarter can do, I can add to my own website for $300. It would even have a better feature set and UX. Kickstarter sucks. Three tech guys, an AWS account, and a banker can run Kickstarter.
Back to the network, Kickstarter has other problems besides the SJW weights around their feet. They used to be a place where you could go “hey, I need $2500 to cover my production costs for this cool thing.” And while that is still there, there are six-digit campaigns and multi-million dollar projects. These guys aren’t even using other retail channels–Kickstarter has become their retail channel.
You can still be a small and mid-size guy, but the Kickstarter network now has a lot of weighted noise. The small guys have started to go elsewhere –where they don’t need to spend money on slick videos and fancy graphics, and that started before the gatekeeping kerfuffle.
I believe Kickstarter is doomed. They’ve started a spiral I do not believe they can fire their way out.