Archives for August 2020
The Big Day!
I know so many of you have been waiting for this for a couple of years, and you won’t have to wait any longer. The Stars Asunder continues the epic space opera world I set out to write since I’ve been 18 years old. This is one of those near-Tolkien-level projects where I’ve got worlds […]
Archie The Man From R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E. 2007 by Tom DeFalco Review
Why Do They Keep Screwing Up Franchises? (Star Trek / Batman Edition)
Watching every major media franchise turn into a trainwreck can be disheartening (if you’re not an indie author waiting in the wings and putting out better content than these corporations). Most recently, there’s been no greater failures than the Star Trek and Batman franchises. It’s hard to know where to begin talking about these because […]
A.r.c.h.i.e. As The Man From R.I.V.E.R.D.A.L.E. review
California Is On Fire!!!!
Amazon Censoring Book Reviews!
As if I didn’t have enough to worry about with having an army of haters who stalk my releases and leave one stars to try to tank my ratings and future sales, now Amazon is treating my real readers like this: How am I supposed to get honest reviews when they’re hidden and deemed “too […]
Fushigi Yuugi Byakko Senki Volume 1 Review
Archie Varsity Edition Volume 2 Review
Nexus Archives Volume 1 Review
The Beauty Of Simplicity
A failing I see with most modern stories is not only an attempt to make every story “darker” than the last to try to get some sort of edgy feel where it makes a reader or viewer nauseous, but modern fiction also tends to overcomplicate stories compared to the greats of the past. Everything that […]