Seeing how far the NFL is willing to go to show how much they hate white people and America is more absurd than we could have imagined. Full on messaging telling everyone to “vote” for “change”.
We all know what that means even though they want to be coy about it. They’re standing in solidarity with rioters who are chanting “death to America” in the streets as they destroy local businesses, bars, restaurants — many of which put NFL games up on their screens for customers.
And they’re not about “player freedom of expression.” Don’t let that lie make you think that they’re just being hands off and corporate. I’ll remind you that the NFL FINES players over demonstrating Christianity:
New Orleans Saints Linebacker Demario Davis was fined thousands of dollars for wearing a headband during last Sunday’s game that reads “Man of God.”
The 30-year-old Saints captain, a third-round pick by the New York Jets in the 2012 draft, took to Instagram to tell his followers that he was fined $7,017 by the league for a uniform infraction.
The only messaging and only freedom of speech that’s allowed is the anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-white Democrat propaganda that’s out on display now.
If you watch them anymore, you’re nothing but the lowest tier of simps.
Dump the NFL.
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Which sport organization doesn’t hate us these days? They’ve broken me down to watching games of High school Baseball and the local roller derby. I don’t think UFC has been taking these drastic measures… yet. If they do I suppose I can try and learn to watch Bo-taoshi or something else.
The sport of gentlemen!
All this corporate junk we keep finding out . . . and we know that Christians are gonna keep simping for it 100%. Oh, they’ll “boycott” for awhile, but they’ll go right back like a dog to it’s vomit.
But, Jon, thanks for keeping us updated. You, John C Wright, and Vox Day are my main sources for this kind of news. I can trust you guys. And y’all are not afraid to stand up for the truth!