Archives for October 2020
The World Is Fallen
Dealing with some situations right now where I’m in a situation watching the world dictate actions of believers. It’s something I don’t want to get into publicly on the internet but it’s a difficult one. It continues to amaze me how people add to Scripture constantly in order to validate their own political worldviews, especially […]
Flash: Savage Velocity Review
You’ll Never Believe How Much Our Cultural Movement is GROWING and WINNING!
Could Marvel Get More Cringe?
These corporate comics have given up any pretense of professional writing or editing. They’re so full-tilt off the scale into their anti-white kool-aid, I’m surprised they still have readers left. As more migrate away, it’s good news for books like Flying Sparks which have heroes fighting villains like comics are supposed to do, free from […]
Legion Lost New 52 Volume 1 Review
Chatting Comics w/ The Amoral Stingray creator, Aaron Walther
Did DC Make Batgirl Join ANTIFA?
The More ComicsGate Changes…
The dynamic of the ComicsGate spergs still hasn’t changed, three years later, long since the group has become largely irrelevant to the cultural landscape. There’s a fundamental flaw in perhaps comic book people where they have obsessive traits that are borderline a super-power, or rather a super-disability. It explains why they latch on so hard […]
Indie Comic Review: Daze Of The Dead
Why YouTube Complainers FAIL At Making Good Books And Moving The Cultural Needle
Comic People Continue To Disappoint
Yesterday I learned that YouTube Spider-Man Complainer, amateur comic writer, and Washington Times commentator, Doug Ernst, is blacklisting a small creator over an association with me. It’s not the first time this has happened, nor the last, even likely with Doug himself, as he’s had a history of trying to encourage people not to associate […]