Archives for November 2020
Alternative Social Networks – What’s Good, What’s Bad
Everyone’s trying to be the next social media network after it’s very clear Twitter and Facebook have become the most evil of corporations, censoring people, trying to brainwash others. It’s nasty out there. There’s a few networks that have emerged and here’s the benefits and drawbacks: Gab – Gab has the best user interface I’ve […]
Indie Comic Review: Kyrie Volume 1
DC Comics Ditches Continuity! What Are They THINKING?
Disneyland Replaces Classic Splash Mountain With More Woke
Even theme park rides aren’t safe, as Disney’s announced they’re removing Splash Mountain and replacing it with “Princess Tiana Adventures.” “Imagineers asking the question, how can we build upon or elevate the experience and tell a fresh, relevant story? It’s a continuous process that Imagineers are deeply passionate about. And with this longstanding history of updating attractions […]
Steve Ditko’s 80 Page Package Review
Mandalorian Season 2 Thoughts So Far (SPOILERS!)
God Gave Me A Vision Through A Dream
Last night I had a dream I was in a car with Mike Cernovich, the commentator and activist, and we were headed somewhere important. I was attempting to read Psalm 58 to him but I couldn’t see the words because the ground was shaking beneath us. This dream is important and divine. Here’s why: 1. […]
Star Trek The Graphic Novel Collection TNG The Space Between Review
Twitter SUSPENDED Me For A Harmless JOKE!
What A Wild Week
The censorship brigade is really out of control. Almost every Tweet by the President of the United States is being censored in some way. Imagine that. Facebook is censoring “normie” conservatives like Mark Levin and removing posts, pages, groups affiliated with the normal class. What it means is these media corporations, these tech corporations, have […]