Or perhaps vice versa.
Like clockwork, every time there’s an update on my libel case against Worldcon, File 770 talks about it. Imagine if the site focused on or cared about actual things in science fiction like my books, we might have a better world.
And the volunteer from Worldcon in deposition seemed to agree with this yesterday. She stated she did not read File 770 regularly because “I focus on authors”, which is something the crazy SJWs who want to ruin the fun of science fiction for everyone refuse to do.
Arguably, if File 770 didn’t spend their time attacking people like me, WorldCon would have never had an issue in 2018 and therefore never been in this mess they’re in now. While this one lady who worked for the convention had the right of it in ignoring the fake drama they create, many of the staff of Worldcon did not.
The site continues on their “crusade” to this day where Glyer writes the most asinine things in order to rile up his dwindling audience (I note it’s a lot less than a couple of years ago in the comments on his site — might have been the boomer remover virus). Last night he made his expert legal assertion which is great for a laugh:

Naturally, it is a libel case as there are two types of defamation cases as per California Law: slander or libel.
Now it’s possible the people at WorldCon slandered me in their talk about me, but I don’t have evidence of it. What I have evidence of is libel, and it is therefore a libel case, despite Glyer trying to make me sound foolish.
The truth is, Worldcon is in big trouble because the depositions so far prove negligence, malice, and absolute falsehoods that they were spewing about me. If only they hadn’t listen to File 770 SJWs when they hyperventilated about my saying I was bringing a camera to Worldcon just like 99% of their other ticket holders. Only I was targeted, and it was clearly an attempt to defame and destroy me over my identity.
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It’s good to see that someone has the courage, and backing, to stand up to these…people.
Since depositions are being taken it shouldn’t be long before they give up.
Best of luck,