It’s all too easy to lose focus in our era. Not only are we in these crazy lockdowns mandated by our evil government, but something off-the-charts insane is happening almost every week to make it so it kills prodcutivity.
Someone on a stream the other day asked if I’d gained weight — and the unfortunate answer is yes, I have. I’ve been eating poorly and drinking too much and it’s starting to show.
I’ve also been severely behind on my writing.
Now there’s a lot of mitigating factors to this, a lot of work that’s needed to be done for comic production, building YouTube platform, etc. And I’ve been focused on a lot of other work as well, but at the end of the day I’ve fallen into a rut like a lot of Americans where I’ve been getting less done.
This isn’t a boo hoo Scalzi I can’t write kind of post, but quite the opposite — I’ve noticed the problem, and I’m going to recommit myself to discipline to better my output and better myself.
I found myself missing workouts, not tracking my calorie intake, lots of little habits which are occuring because of a lack of discipline.
And I aim to change that. I’ll block out more writing time, try to be less caught up in news/social media. I cut the cord on cable. I’m not missing my gym training like I had been for a couple of months.
I’m making sure I get the results I want because it’s more important now more than ever to win.
My goal for February is to double my January output and have zero skip days for training, keep binge drinking to a minimum and stop eating carbs.
Let’s go!
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