This Gina Carano thing is so ridiculous I can barely even write about it. She is the most innocuous, apolitical person out there who’s barely tweeted a couple of things that elude she might maybe support President Trump and/or be a Republican it’s absurd.
Her post yesterday was all about how these little social media firing squads get people to hate each other and that’s the energy tyrants use to create holocausts — which used to be a word people could use to describe atrocities, but apparently it’s the new N word.
It’s crazy because the people who get Disney+ or do anything with Disney are families. People with children. They lean conservative by nature, and the only reason to get Disney+ content wise is because they do PG content that parents can let their kids watch or they can watch with their kids.
It goes against everything Disney sells as products to be making push like this against a lady who’s highly respected and loved within the circles of people who actually watch the show, and holds the values of half the country.
But it shows she’s 100% right about what she posted and is being canceled for. They are peddling hate, not fun content for families anymore. It’s time to drop Disney+, get rid of the service, and spend one’s time elsewhere. TV is bad for the mind anyway.
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Well I saw this shit coming years ago hence why I pirate media.
Ahoy there, matey!
The House of Mouse has been trending ever more to the progressives the last several years, turning what should be family friendly content into ever more woke fetishes.
Holocaust as a word has been around since before Columbus sailed the ocean blue. The Holocaust is a fairly recent usage at just under a century. It’s the one everyone references though so I can see how our miseducated populace could be unaware. That ignorance doesn’t excuse their actions though. And Disney seems hell bent on excising any conservative thought, regardless of entertainment value. That they just proved what she posted seems lost on them.