Worldcon has a troubling history of extremism, hatred, bigotry, and worse. It’s shocking to me the EiC of Baen would want to associate with such known terrorists. These radicals who attend and support this convention have pushed for political violence and insurrection for more than four years, not to mention members of their community have defended convicted pedophiles on public forums, and some have promoted organizations associated with pedophilia.
Exhibit A: Nick Mamatas, a Worldcon attendee from Worldcon San Jose in 2018 who posts threats of violence and violence to those he labels (and libels) “Nazis”:

Exhibit B, Tor Author Patrick Tomlinson threatening to film people against their will at worldcon and harass them for being there:

Exhibit C: Hugo Award winner Mike Glyer from File 770, frequent worldcon attendee moderating posts of his own followers who were “Fantasizing over violence” against science fiction authors:

Exhbiit D, SFWA Grand Master Samuel Delaney’s promotion of the pedophilia organization, NAMBLA:

These are just a small number of such terrible and horiffic things that members of Worldcon past and present support. They must immediately shut down their convention and evaluate why they allow political extremism, threats of violence, advocation of pedophlia from their convention.
Terrorism and extremism has no place in science fiction and I firmly disavow.
As Worldcon deliberates the harsasment of an innocent woman in Toni Weisskopf, a very well respected publisher, who has done nothing wrong and has an exemplary record, Toni should consider whether she wants to be associated withe above, and by proxy warrant that Baen Books endorses such actions of worldcon.
I recommend for her to make a public post declining her Guest of Honor role at Worldcon immediately, citing the extremism and bigotry above as reasons. No publisher should want to be affiliated with this. No science fiction author nor fan should condone literal acts of violence in these words above.
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