Archives for February 2021
Getting Back On Track
It’s all too easy to lose focus in our era. Not only are we in these crazy lockdowns mandated by our evil government, but something off-the-charts insane is happening almost every week to make it so it kills prodcutivity. Someone on a stream the other day asked if I’d gained weight — and the unfortunate […]
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection Review: Who Will Judge The Hulk?
The Dankstream #14: Going To Court – The Martina Markota Story + Worldcon Updates!
Don’t Be Fooled: DC Comics Will Replace ALL Of Your Favorite Characters – IN CONTINUITY
The Great COVID Scam
Amazing! Miraculous! Biden’s been in office two weeks and COVID is cured! If you believe this, I have a lot of Dogecoin to sell you for a dollar a coin. When Biden took office, the medical industry abruptly changed their testing procedures. What they originally called COVID under a major test they now changed and […]
Overhyped? Wonder Woman by George Perez Omnibus Volume 1 Review
New Graphic Novel Recommendations 2/3/21
The Drankstream #14: Going To Court – The Marina Markota Story + Worldcon Updates!
Did She Even Read Watchmen? HBO Writer Goes On Bizarre Political Rant
When Wall Street Colluded
Almost every major retail service won’t let you get meme stocks as of today. The prices collapsed big. The institutions all got together to do a mass sell off while people held. On top of it, all the institutions claimed their short positions were covered- which would be impossible with the stock values of these […]