I already posted this on social media but another day of having to get up and deal with this time change has me reeling with a lack of sleep again.
This is an antiquated idea around having “more sunlight” during farming hours so people could operate out on their fields. In the time of electricity and internet there is no reason for this.
Society now forces us to be operational during an 8 am – 5 pm time frame. Light doesn’t impact the equation. It’s utterly asinine to make everyone lose an hour and have to adjust and be tired for the next couple of weeks. Just leave it as is. Don’t change it again. It’s not that hard.
I doubt there’s any studies that show productivity increases because of daylight savings. I’m certain that people’s productivity decreases during this week of the year because it’s obvious .
I need more sleep.
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I have to work every one of these stupid Sunsdays and I barely made it through my shift this year, losing an hour of sleep to keep watches synced up with the sun when we no longer use the sun to set our watches is stupid. All this does is torture working class people who have to make it through a shift with an hour less of sleep and it throws off my internal clock for a couple of weeks every time it happens.
There are always more car crashes and heart attacks right after the time switch. Its just another clear indicator of how much the government wants people to die.