Cancel pigs took to X to pile on Rob Liefeld after he waded into the arguments over the comics industry. He made an innocuous point about “woke comic book Twitter,” seemingly talking about the controversy stirred by Mark Millar, who stalwartly defended a comic shop owner for his opinions on why the comic industry is dying.
Rob Liefeld is one of the most popular comic creators of the last three decades, having created beloved characters like Deadpool, Cable, and Avengelyne. In his era, comics sold millions, but now they’ve dwindled to tens of thousands. If anyone knows what’s going on in the comic industry and its communities, it’s him.

RELATED: Mark Waid Threatens To “Burn Down” The Comic Industry In Tantrum Over Mark Millar
Liefeld also has a podcast where he covers different topics regarding comics. From comics history to business strategies, it’s one of the best podcasts out there. He’s not been shy about how his contributions to comics were vastly more well-received than most modern books.
However, he’s not all ego and bombast. Liefeld has continually shown he has a sense of humor about his works. One of the most controversial pieces he’s drawn is one the internet’s memed as “Cap Tits,” and Liefeld doesn’t shy away from poking fun at his drawing.

With Mark Millar shining a light on the troubles in the industry, however, it seems like the whisper network inside woke comics Twitter is hunting for new targets to cancel. Anyone who appears to agree that there are problems with the industry is now being branded “alt-right” or “allied with ComicsGate.”
Rob Liefeld is a classical liberal, and just because he’s drawn beautiful women and men with muscles, he’s often on the radar as a target of the cancel pigs crowd. Even though he agrees with much of their politics, it’s never enough for them, as he’s found after posting a recent tweet.
On X, he innocently commented, “Look, woke comic book twitter is absolutely a thing. The sites, podcasts, personalities – they all sing the same tune. I avoid em as much as possible. And they have ZERO solutions.”

Saying they have zero solutions admits there’s a comic industry problem, which the cancel pigs in that network won’t allow. They immediately took to piling on Liefeld, one claiming Liefeld stole his work from George Perez.
Another accused Liefeld and Millar of “deflecting blame” at the woke for the problems in the comic industry.

A third attacked Liefeld as having “dumb views” on diversity in comics, even though Liefeld has often voiced that he’s fine with gay characters getting the spotlight.

No one is pure enough for the cancel pigs inquisition, and these angry tweets illustrate Rob Liefeld’s point that they are all singing the same tune and should be avoided as much as possible.
It’s amusing that so many of these people have tried to spur people to leave X and go to a new BlueSky Social. Often, they cite X as having too much vitriol, but they fail to look at themselves in the mirror as they continually attack comic creators and other fans over complete nonsense.
Unfortunately, Rob Liefeld received so much heat that he deleted his tweet.
What do you think of the cancel pigs in the comic industry attacking Rob Liefeld? Leave a comment and let us know.
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We are at that phase of history when the hysterical Jacobins begin eating the watered-down moderates who paved the way for their takeover.
These cancel pigs, would rather see the entire industry burn to the ground, then fix it.
“cancel pigs”? Are you 9?